ADB Data Room: Marine Aquaculture, Reefs, Renewable Energy, and Ecotourism for Ecosystem Services


ADB Data Room: Marine Aquaculture, Reefs, Renewable Energy, and Ecotourism for Ecosystem Services

22 April 2021

Humanity is becoming increasingly aware of the challenges to the health of our Oceans.

Extractive Industries (fishing and mining) take more than they replace. By capturing excess energy in our oceans to make non-polluting fuels, we can support coastal livelihoods and the natural capital which underpins these communities. This TA aims to show how we can enhance ocean health by concentrating investment on four core areas - Marine Aquaculture, Reefs, Renewable Energy, and Ecotourism.

To support its developing member countries, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has compiled the following briefs, webinars, reference materials, and project examples to enable governments to enhance their Natural Capital Assets.

On 7th February 2023, ADB and the Centre for Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (CIMT-GT) hosted a High Level Investor Forum in Kuala Lumpur with the theme of the “New Ocean Energy Economy”. Over 150 participants discussed marine renewable energy and its use to regenerate ocean ecosystems with a Keynote Speech by Yang Berhormat Tuan Mohd Rafizi Bin Ramli, Minister of Economy, Malaysia, and representatives from Palau, The Philippines, CIMT-TG, and ADB. 

Over 150 Representatives from government, infrastructure and energy developers, investors, blue economy businesses types, and community groups gathered together to discuss how to realize a “New Ocean Energy Economy” as part of a just transition. 



PLENARY 1: The New Ocean Energy Economy

Rear Admiral Nick Lambert (Retd) presented the concept of multifunctional sea space and MARES-type projects. A graphic of the MARES concept is attached below.

Marine renewable energy and its economics were discussed in the first panel of the forum titled “Integrating the New Ocean Energy Economy to Global Energy Needs”.  The eight shortlisted project pitch videos were presented just before a networking lunch (please link)

PLENARY 2: Using Energy from the Ocean

Dr. Thuttai Keeratipongpaiboon from the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC), Kingdom of Thailand, delivered the opening remarks which set the scene for the inclusion of all sea-space users. Inez Marquez shared what was happening in the green hydrogen space and possible inclusion in MARES-type projects.  The second panel of the day, titled “Integrating Micro-, Small-, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) into New Ocean Energy Economy”, discussed just transition, engaging with stakeholders, and how larger infrastructure developments can make space for smaller sea-space users.

The winning pitch was announced. Congratulations to the team of Subic Blue.  Honorable mention was made for three pitches that demonstrated the multifunction approach and showed clear benefits to all sea-space users.

PLENARY 3: Responsibility Using Marine Spaces and Closing Plenary: Summation of Progress

Pak Andreas Dipi Patria, Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs Republic of Indonesia provide opening remarks which highlighted the action on maritime investment.  The final event panel, titled Financing the New Ocean Energy and Blue Economies, was a highlight of the event with practical commentary.  This panel sparked a discussion that extended after the forum. The ADB project officer, Steve Peters, provide a summation of progress on TA6619 to date and the event was closed By Dr. Priyantha Wijayatunga, ADB Chief of Energy, with a call to action.


To receive updates directly to your email on the MARES project, including news on how you can submit project ideas for consideration, please sign up here.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
22 Apr 2021 Briefs MARES TA6619 10 February 2023
This presentation gives an overview and updates of the MARES TA and provides some insight into its focus.
Asian Development Bank
22 Apr 2021 Briefs MARES National Indicative MARES Plan for the Republic of the Marshall Islands - Overview and Strategic Summary
These documents highlight the available energy sources and potential integration of marine renewable energy, coupled with potential hydrogen electrolysis...
Asian Development Bank
22 Apr 2021 Briefs MARES National Indicative Mares Plan for the Republic of Palau - Overview and Strategic Summary
These documents highlight the available energy sources and potential integration of marine renewable energy, coupled with potential hydrogen electrolysis...
Asian Development Bank
22 Apr 2021 Briefs MARES Webinar Series Proceedings on Marine Renewable Energy
This guide provides key highlights from the 21 webinars and sessions from various workshops and the High-Level Investor Forum. It also allows navigation...
Asian Development Bank
22 Apr 2021 Briefs Cost Benefit Study of potential MARES projects for the Mindanao Development Agency
These presentations highlight the cost and benefits of available energy sources and the potential integration of marine renewable energy, coupled with...
Asian Development Bank
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
24 Apr 2021 Blue Economy and Natural Capital Rethinking Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
This OECD report on the ocean economy emphasizes the growing importance of science and technologies in improving the sustainable economic development ...
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
24 Apr 2021 Coastal Capital: Ecosystem Valuation for Decision Making in the Caribbean
This document highlights the importance and value of the coastal ecosystem in the Caribbean.
World Resources Institute (WRI) [node:field_last_name]
24 Apr 2021 Final Report - The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review
This is a Final Report of the Independent Review on the Economics of Biodiversity led by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta.
Government of the United Kingdom [node:field_last_name]
24 Apr 2021 Sustainable Ocean Finance
Sustainable blue economy finance principles provide a framework for financing a sustainable ocean economy.
European Commission
24 Apr 2021 Integrating Ecosystem Values Into Cost-Benefit Analysis: Recommendations for USAID and Practitioners
This document provides recommendations for the incorporation of ecosystem service valuations into Agency CBAs, both for USAID staff that produce or use...
24 Apr 2021 News Article Amazon funds the world’s first commercial-scale seaweed farm located between offshore wind turbines
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
23 Apr 2021 Webinars
23 Apr 2021 23 April 2021 The Business of our Oceans
In this learning event, Rear Admiral Nick Lambert presented the current state of our seas and oceans, the impact of human activities on the marine environment...
23 Apr 2021 03 May 2021 Regenerative Marine Aquaculture
Tom Bowling, CEO of Biota Inc. (Palau), talked about how marine renewable energy supports regenerative practices in the aquarium industry and wild restocking...
23 Apr 2021 07 May 2021 Growing Reefs Faster Than We’re Killing Them
Scott Countryman, Executive Director of the Coral Triangle Conservancy, talked about his experience in Nasugbu, Batangas growing artificial reefs, and...
23 Apr 2021 14 May 2021 Harnessing Marine Renewable Energy
Michael Abundo talked about the tidal, wave, floating solar, floating wind, and OTEC sources. He also shared insights into how offshore energy is being...
23 Apr 2021 21 May 2021 We Live on Planet Sea and it is Acidifying
Dan Millison, ADB's Sustainable Development and Climate Change- Energy Sector Group'sconsultant, talked about the challenges and opportunities created...
23 Apr 2021 16 June 2021 Asia Clean Energy Forum 2021 Spotlight Session: Waste, Energy, and the Oceans
All of our civilization’s activities manifest in the ocean. Carbon emitted is absorbed into the sea. This increases acidification and threatens the life...
23 Apr 2021 16 July 2021 Green Marine Hydrogen
Nguyen Dinh from Offshore Wind Consultants Limited presented the current status of offshore hydrogen production, development, and opportunities to produce...
23 Apr 2021 28 July 2021 Steve Peters presents ADB’s Activities in Hydrogen including MARES at IGEM 2021
Stephen Peters
23 Apr 2021 6 August 2021 How Singapore is Modernizing Fish Farming with Low Carbon Alternative Methods
23 Apr 2021 17 August 2021 Using the Rigs to Reefs Approach to Accelerate Ocean Regeneration
Emily Hazelwood and Amber Sparks, co-founders of Blue Latitudes, a women-owned marine environmental consulting firm, shared how to develop sustainable...
23 Apr 2021 6 October 2021 Revealing What Works for Investment Decisions in the Blue Economy – Experience from Island States
President James Michel, Former President of The Republic of Seychelles, shared his experience implementing the blue economy. Belinda Bramley from NLA...
23 Apr 2021 26 October 2021 High-relief Artificial Reefs for Biodiversity Enhancement
​In response to the areal loss of natural reefs and degradation of existing reefs due to coastal urbanization, high-relief artificial reef structures ...
23 Apr 2021 7 January 2022 Explaining Ocean Acidification – Science, Observation and Mitigation
The Global Ocean Acidification-Observing Network (GOA-ON) presented the science behind ocean acidification (OA) illustrating the causes and impacts. ...
23 Apr 2021 14 January 2022 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in Hawaii and Beyond
Richard Argall is an expert in ocean energy and marine renewables works on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) projects for Makai Ocean Energy Division...
23 Apr 2021 27 January 2022 Using Marine Renewable Energy for Just Transition to a Regenerative Blue Economy
Humanity is becoming increasingly aware of the challenges to the health of our Oceans. Ocean Acidification is being driven by excess carbon saturation...
23 Apr 2021 6 May 2022 Paddling to Create Cultured Reefs for New Habitats and Coastal Protection
Dr. Will Bateman, CEO of CCell Renewable UK, presented the unique paddle technology to capture Marine Renewable energy to power coastal protection by ...
23 Apr 2021 13 May 2022 Jumpstarting Ocean Deep Tech
Tom Chi explained how deep tech could be rapidly rolled out to solve our oceans' energy, regeneration, and livelihood challenges. Deep tech thinking has...
23 Apr 2021 20 May 2022 Alternative Proteins Power By Marine Renewable Energy
​Marcel Kroese explained the energy needs and supply chains for alternative proteins including the current practices on how MARES type interventions can...
23 Apr 2021 16 June 2022 ACEF 2022 Deep Dive Workshop: The Future of Ocean Energy and Hydrogen - Just Transition to a Safer World
Our Ocean has enough energy to power our civilization. However, Ocean energy has been slow to be adopted due to technology costs, subsidization of fossil...
23 Apr 2021 15 July 2022 Blue Economy: The Seaweed Company
Dr. Stefan Kraan,Chief Scientific Officer of Seaweed Company, Ltd. presented seaweed cultivation as a regenerative adjunct to offshore energy production...
23 Apr 2021 30 September 2022 Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Viability as a Catalyst for Transformative Island Development
Professor Ikegami Yasuyuki, Institute of Ocean Energy, Saga University, Japan, and Benjamin Martin, Xenesys Inc., presented the integrated Ocean Thermal...
23 Apr 2021 7 February 2023 High-Level Investor Forum on The New Ocean Energy Economy
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the Knowledge and Support Technical Assistance (TA) 6619:Marine Aquaculture, Reefs, Renewable Energy, and Ecotourism...
23 Apr 2021 14 April 2023 Why RED Blue Energy is ready for upscaling into megawatt-demonstration scale
The webinar discussed Blue Energy or Salinity Gradient Power, which is generated by using two sources of water flows with different salt concentrations...
23 Apr 2021 7 August 2023 Offshore Wind Development– Lessons from the United Kingdom
David Still CBE and Bill Grainger shared their experience in the development of the offshore wind sector in the United Kingdom. They discussed the lessons...
23 Apr 2021 20 November 2023 Closing Workshop on Marine Aquaculture, Reefs, Renewable Energy, and Ecotourism for Ecosystem Services (MARES)
ADB held in a hybrid format, a closing workshop for TA 6619 Marine Aquaculture, Reefs, Renewable Energy, and Ecotourism for Ecosystem Services (MARES) ...
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Decom2Green
The Decom2Green project aspires to catalyze the regenerative decommissioning of offshore platforms within Asia. It aims to engage with oil and gas operators...
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Deep Water Intake Infrastructure powered by MW-scale OTEC
An industrial academic consortium from Japan is looking to harness the potential of Deep Open Water (DOW) and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) to...
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Republic of the Marshall Islands Climate Proof Fuel Storage
This project aims to use converted maritime tankers for floating fuel storage which will replace a land-based system that is vulnerable to sea level rise...
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Pacific Ocean Explorers (POE)
The Pacific Ocean Explorers project would combine marine renewable energy and aquaculture to strengthen food and energy security in Palau. By establishing...
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Subic Blue
The Subic Blue project aspires to introduce the first aquarium fish farm and coral nursery in the Philippines, producing large quantities of tropical ...
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Blue-Cooking
The Blue-Cooking model looks to utilize electricity generated from floating solar energy panels integrated into aquaculture farms in order to enable the...
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Ongedaol Nature Resort Palau
Ongedaol Nature Resort Palau seeks to create an innovative new model for sustainable, organic ecotourism, empowered by modern technology, that is completely...
25 Apr 2021 Project Examples Savusavu Blue Town Model
The Savusavu Blue Town Model looks to introduce a comprehensive framework to create thriving communities that address climate change and ocean pollution...


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