Girls Takeover: Girls’ and Young Women’s Leadership in Nature-based...
The International Day of the Girl (IDG), celebrated annually on October 11, is a key global moment to...
ADB Data Room: Strengthening Women’s Resilience to Heat Stress
Climate change is increasing the intensity, frequency, and duration of heat waves, disproportionately affecting...
Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2024 Launch
Climate change poses a growing threat to people and their livelihoods in Asia and the Pacific. Record heat waves,...
Nature and Climate Nexus: Nature-Based Solutions for Urban and Rural...
Accelerating Investments for Plastic Circularity
12th Business Opportunities Fair 2024
The ADB BOF is a...
Clean Air with Improved Agricultural Crop Residue and Biomass Management...
Poor management of agricultural residues and biomass can contribute to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions...
Online Book Launch – Building Resilient Societies: Insights from Post-...
Nature-Based Solutions: Scaling Sustainable Fisheries and Coastal...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) dramatically scaled up its work on the environment and nature in response to the...
Major Events
The Asian Development Bank arranged a 4-day training for Pacific DMC representatives in Nadi, Fiji entitled ‘Regional Health and Safety Training in the Pacific Region'.The Regional Training...
The Asian Development Bank in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance Luxembourg and the University of Luxembourg conducted the Asia Pacific Futures...
The 4th Asia and the Pacific Youth Symposium (APYS4) is a social dialogue exchange that convenes governments, non-government organizations, youth, and other key stakeholders in development to...
The regional conference aimed to provide a platform for energy sector agencies, power utilities, and other stakeholders from South Asia and beyond to engage in discussions regarding inclusive...
Recent Events
Japanese Representative Office (JRO) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) organizes business opportunities seminar (BOS) to attract quality...
Indonesia Longitudinal Ageing Survey (ILAS) 2023 is the first survey in Indonesia to provide representative and comprehensive information on the demographics, social and economic conditions, health...
The ADB Build Back Better Sector Dialogues will share regional voices, stories, ideas and lessons learned on enhancing climate and disaster resilience through effective and well-designed emergency...