ADB Circular Economy Training Series: Accelerating the Circular Economy: Integrating Circularity into Programs, Projects, and Policies


ADB Circular Economy Training Series: Accelerating the Circular Economy: Integrating Circularity into Programs, Projects, and Policies

21 February 2024 to 03 October 2024

ADB is organizing a training series on Circular Economy entitled “Accelerating the Circular Economy: Integrating Circularity into Programs, Projects, and Policies.” Delivered through 4 events in 2024 this initiative of the Environment Group presents cross sectoral knowledge and experience gained by ADB’s project teams and partners during project design and implementation. The events, led by TA 6669 Promoting Action on Plastic Pollution from Source to Sea in Asia and the Pacific, integrate the circular economy with the wider sustainability and nature-based solutions activities of the Environment Group in progressing project pipelines under ADB’s Strategy 2030 Operational Priority 3 Tackling Climate Change, Building Climate, and Disaster Resilience, and Enhancing Environmental Sustainability.

Circular economy (CE) is becoming increasingly important to address solid waste management, marine litter, and pollution reduction. The upcoming Global Plastics Treaty (GPT) will be a legally binding agreement for countries to end plastic pollution, and implementing CE principles has been cited as one of the solutions under the GPT.

This training is designed for the ADB staff community as well as participating TA government officials from Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam. The objectives are to: 

  • Provide a clear understanding of CE/circularity principles  
  • Share CE opportunities beyond solid waste management and recycling through country case studies 
  • Identify areas for integration of CE into ADB programs and projects  
  • Provide a basic understanding of how to design circular investments  
  • Provide an overview of circular environments including policies, governance, technology, innovation, and finance 
  • Share current progress on preparations for the Global Plastics Treaty and opportunities for DMCs and ADB 

The four-part training series schedules are below. Please note that these are tentative dates only

  • 21-23 February 2024, Part 1: Getting in the Loop: Enabling Conditions for a Circular Economy (In person, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines) 
  • 14 and 21 May 2024, Part 2: Policy and Governance (Online, 2 sessions, 1 hour each) 
  • 2 and 9 July 2024, Part 3: Finance and Mechanisms (Online, 2 sessions, 1 hour each) 
  • 1-3 October 2024, Part 4: To be discussed/determined (In person, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines)  
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
21 Feb 2024 21-23 February 2024 Part 1: Getting in the Loop: Enabling Conditions for a Circular Economy (In person, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines) 
21 Feb 2024 Full Agenda
21 Feb 2024 Video Stopping Plastic Waste Leakage into Oceans
21 Feb 2024 Day 1: Enabling Mechanisms for Circular Economy
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy 101 Overview of Circular Economy
James Baker
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy 101 Circular Economy in DMCs Maria Pia Ancora, Senior Urban Development Specialist, Sectors Group, ADB
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy 101 Webinar Recording on Session 1: Circular Economy 101
21 Feb 2024 Understanding the Global Plastics Treaty Opportunities in the Global Plastic Treaty for Asia and the Pacific
Roger Joseph (Rocky) Guzman
21 Feb 2024 Understanding the Global Plastics Treaty Webinar Recording on Session 2: Understanding the Global Plastics Treaty
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy and Finance Circular Economy and Finance Mechanisms: Blue Southeast Asia (SEA) Finance Hub
Ghislain De Valon
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy and Finance Unlocking the Potential of Plastic Credits
Nanette Medved-Po
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy and Finance Webinar Recording Session 3: Circular Economy and Finance
21 Feb 2024 Day 2: Technology, Innovation, and Behavior Change for Circular Economy
21 Feb 2024 Webinar Recording of Day 1 Recap by James Baker, ADB
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy and Gender, Equality, and Social Inclusion Applying the Gender Lens in the Circular Economy
Rafaella Potestades
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy and Gender, Equality, and Social Inclusion Social Inclusion in Grassroots Campaigns
Cecile Alcantara
21 Feb 2024 Circular Economy and Gender, Equality, and Social Inclusion Webinar Recording Session 4: Circular Economy and Gender, Equality, and Social Inclusion
21 Feb 2024 ADB Building Initiatives ADB Building Initiatives and Sustainability Solutions
Mirko Rizutto, Erwin Casaclang
21 Feb 2024 ADB Building Initiatives Webinar Recording on ADB Building Initiatives and Sustainability Solutions
21 Feb 2024 Technology and Innovation Digital Technologies for the Circular Economy in Developing Countries
Marc Lepage
21 Feb 2024 Technology and Innovation Upstream and Downstream Innovation and Technology
Gary Moys
21 Feb 2024 Technology and Innovation Webinar Recording on Session 5: Technology and Innovation
21 Feb 2024 Circular Plastics Economy and the Private Sector Recyling Plastics in Indonesia
Dian Kurniawati
21 Feb 2024 Circular Plastics Economy and the Private Sector An Introduction to Bioplastics
Piya Kerdlap
21 Feb 2024 Circular Plastics Economy and the Private Sector Webinar Recording Session 6: Circular Plastics Economy and the Private Sector
21 Feb 2024 Day 3: Site visit: Green Antz Facility – Green Antz (Bulacan)
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
14 May 2024 14 and 21 May 2024 Part 2: Policies for a Circular Economy (Online, 2 sessions, 1 hour each) 
14 May 2024 Key Insights and Resources from Part 2 of ADB CE Training Series
This report outlines the key takeaways from the training such as the existing CE legal and governance frameworks, case studies of applying these policies...
14 May 2024 Part 2, Session 1 Webinar Recording Video: Part 2, Session 1: Overview of Circular Economy Policies and Global Plastics Treaty Updates
14 May 2024 Part 2, Session 1: Overview of Circular Economy Policies and Global Plastics Treaty Updates Policies for a Circular Economy
This presentation gives an overview of the components of a circular economy policy that will make it a “good” policy(e.g., just transition, social inclusion...
Maria Hughes
14 May 2024 Part 2, Session 1: Overview of Circular Economy Policies and Global Plastics Treaty Updates Progress on the Global Plastics Treaty: Updates from the 4th International Negotiating Committee Session
This presentation gives an overview of the GPT, where it is now, the topics discussed in the INC4, and how can ADB support DMCs during the intersessional...
Roger Joseph (Rocky) Guzman
14 May 2024 Part 2, Session 2 Webinar Recording Video: Part 2, Session 2: Case Studies in Asia
14 May 2024 Part 2, Session 2: Case Studies in Asia Case Study: Circular Economy in the People’s Republic of China
This presentation gives an overview of the brief history of the CE policies in the PRC and what has inspired the policies/legal frameworks to be passed...
Stefan Rau
14 May 2024 Part 2, Session 2: Case Studies in Asia Case Study: Extended Producer Responsibility in the Philippines
This presentation gives an overview of the brief history of the EPR Law in the Philippines and how and when it started.
Maria Delia Cristina Valdez
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
02 Jul 2024 2 and 9 July 2024 Part 3: Financing Circular Economy (Online, 2 sessions, 1 hour each) 
02 Jul 2024 Key Insights and Resources from Part 3 of ADB CE Training Series
This report highlights how to accelerate the circular economy, focusing on integrating circularity into programs, projects, policies, and financing mechanisms...
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 1 Webinar Recording Video: Part 3, Session 1: Overview of Financing for Circular Economy
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 1: Overview of Financing for Circular Economy Introduction and Overview: Recap of Second Session, and Definition of Terms Anna Oposa, Marine Conservation and Circular Economy Specialist (Consultant), ADB
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 1: Overview of Financing for Circular Economy Circular Economy and Waste Management Updates from ADB Sing (Terry) Cho, Senior Urban Development Specialist (Waste Management), ADB
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 1: Overview of Financing for Circular Economy Overview of Finance Mechanisms in Sustainable Development
The document gives an overview of the challenges and financing gap for plastic circularity in the Asia-Pacific region and the role of governments in catalyzing...
James Baker
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 1: Overview of Financing for Circular Economy The Business Case for a Circular Economy Thitirat “Pang” Sittakaradej, Principal, ADB Ventures
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 1 Webinar Recording Video: Part 3, Session 2: Finance Mechanisms in Practice
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 2: Finance Mechanisms in Practice Introduction and Overview
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 2: Finance Mechanisms in Practice Plastic Credits in Practice
This presentation gives an overview of Verra's Plastic Program, which aims to enable a circular, equitable, and just transition in plastic waste management...
Komal Sinha
02 Jul 2024 Part 3, Session 2: Finance Mechanisms in Practice Economic Instruments for a Circular Economy
This presentation gives an overviewon financing the circular economy and the use of economic instruments and public finance for plastic circularity.
Panate Manomaivibool
02 Jul 2024 Questions and Answers
02 Jul 2024 Closing Closing Remarks Maria Pia Ancora, Senior Urban Development Specialist, ADB
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
01 Oct 2024 1-3 October 2024 Part 4: Global Plastics Treaty and 2025 Plans (In person, ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines)  


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