Mr. Rau is leading ADB’s urban development support to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and significantly contributes to ADB wide urban policy and related publications. He supports city cluster coordination, urban-rural integration, climate change adaptation and sponge cities with nature-based solutions, circular economy zero waste cities. He conceptualizes and implements pilot projects for low-carbon climate-resilient healthy and age-friendly city action and management planning to bring out tangible benefits for the globally emerging four-generation urban communities. As reflective practitioner his publications, policy dialogue and project work focus on strategic urbanization policy and integrated economic and urban development project design and implementation, promoting socially inclusive and environmentally sound livable cities. Prior to ADB Stefan led teams in international consultant firms on sustainable urban planning, urban design and large building projects in Europe, North America and Asia. He taught and lectured at universities in Germany, the United States, and the PRC. He published papers, contributed to and organized international planning conferences. Stefan studied in Stuttgart, Bonn and Chicago with an undergraduate in Mathematics and a Masters in Architecture, Urban Planning. He is licensed urban planner and architect in Germany.