Quick Course on Climate and Disaster Risk-Informed Investments


Quick Course on Climate and Disaster Risk-Informed Investments

25 September 2024 to 31 December 2025

Climate change and disaster risks pose a growing threat and could undermine development efforts in Asia and the Pacific region. The number of disasters triggered by natural hazards occurring yearly continues to increase due to climate change and increased incidence of overlapping and compounding hazard events. From 2012 to 2022, disasters brought about by natural hazards caused more than US$734 billion worth of damage to lives, livelihoods, and other assets.[1]

Recognizing that urgent action is required to support developing member countries in strengthening resilience through climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction, ADB has prioritized building climate and disaster resilience as one of its seven operational priorities under its Strategy 2030. Increasing investments to address climate change and disaster risks requires an enhanced capacity to make risk-informed decisions, ensure investments in different sectors are resilient to the potential impacts of climate change and disasters, and identify, prioritize, and finance new investments with the primary purpose of building resilience.

This quick course, composed of three short sessions on climate and disaster risk-informed investments, seeks to enhance the learner's understanding of applying climate and disaster risk information for decision-making related to public and private investments. Specifically, this aims to (i) establish the importance of climate and disaster risk-informed development, (ii) provide science and tools to enable risk-informed decision-making, (iii) share the use of risk information in decision-making for public investments, and (iv) provide ideas on how to use risk-information to steer private sector investments in resilience.

This learning experience draws from the Regional Workshop on Climate and Disaster Risk-Informed Investments, conducted on 22-23 June 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. The regional workshop, supported by the Federal Ministry of Finance of Austria, was participated in by selected government officials from 10 ADB developing member countries.


[1] Bündnis Entwicklung Hilf. 2022. WorldRiskReport 2022 Focus: Digitalization. Bochum. WorldRiskReport_2021_Online.pdf (weltrisikobericht.de), and EM-DAT, CRED / UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium – www.emdat.be (accessed 19 April 2023).

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
25 Sep 2024 Session 1: Importance of Climate and Disaster Risk Information for Investment Decision-making Session 1 Introduction and Guide Questions
25 Sep 2024 Session 1: Importance of Climate and Disaster Risk Information for Investment Decision-making Introduction to the Workshop
A brief introduction on how climate and disaster risks impact physical, geographical, social, and financial systems and how relevant risk information ...
Arghya Sinha Roy
25 Sep 2024 Session 1: Importance of Climate and Disaster Risk Information for Investment Decision-making Risk Information for Investing in a Resilient Future in Asia and the Pacific
An introduction on climate and disaster risk data and information—types, uses, opportunities for strengthening data at national level, and samples of ...
Belinda Hewitt
25 Sep 2024 Session 1: Importance of Climate and Disaster Risk Information for Investment Decision-making Risk Data Exercise
An introduction to different open-source climate and natural hazard databases/platforms as well as walk-throughs on how to tap and use these databases...
Charles Rodgers
25 Sep 2024 Session 1: Importance of Climate and Disaster Risk Information for Investment Decision-making Case Study of Upstream Climate Assessment in the Amu Darya Basin
A presentation of a case study of a project in Uzbekistan. This shows how the use of climate and disaster risk assessment and climate data informed the...
Malte Maass
25 Sep 2024 Session 1: Importance of Climate and Disaster Risk Information for Investment Decision-making Tonga: Strengthen Climate and Disaster Risk
An introduction to the Government of Tonga’s planning agency, which is under the Prime Minister’s Office, the National Planning Department. This presentation...
Lupe Fe’iloaki
25 Sep 2024 Session 1: Importance of Climate and Disaster Risk Information for Investment Decision-making Tonga: National Emergency Management Office
An introduction to the national agency of the Government of Tonga, which is responsible for enhancing national disaster preparedness and strengthening...
Lu’isa Uai Taunga
25 Sep 2024 Session 2: Science and Tools for Climate and Disaster Risk Screening and Assessment Session 2 Introduction and Guide Questions
25 Sep 2024 Session 2: Science and Tools for Climate and Disaster Risk Screening and Assessment List of Climate and Disaster Risk Assessment Tools (Reference)
Inventory of public domain tools, prepared as reference for the “Regional Workshop on Climate and Disaster Risk-Informed Investments”.
25 Sep 2024 Session 2: Science and Tools for Climate and Disaster Risk Screening and Assessment Role of Climate and Disaster Assessment Investment Decisions
This is a compact lecture on risk, the factors contributing to it, the type of risk assessments (upstream vs. project), and when to do a detailed risk...
Johannes Hunink
25 Sep 2024 Session 2: Science and Tools for Climate and Disaster Risk Screening and Assessment Climate and Disaster Risk Information Project
A brief on the investment project being developed for the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), the Climate and Disaster Risk Information project. This...
Phonthavy Thammavongso
25 Sep 2024 Session 2: Science and Tools for Climate and Disaster Risk Screening and Assessment Introduction to Climate and Disaster Risk Tools for Investment Decision-making
A quick walk-through on the tools available for climate and disaster risk screening and assessment (i.e., data exploration and visualization tools, screening...
Ioannis Fourniadis
25 Sep 2024 Session 3: Public and Private Sector Investments Under Climate and Disaster Risks Session 3 Introduction and Guide Questions
25 Sep 2024 Session 3: Public and Private Sector Investments Under Climate and Disaster Risks Translating Risk Information into Public Investment Decision-making
This provides key concepts and principles for integrating climate and disaster risk management in public sector investment decision-making. This also ...
Steven Goldfinch
25 Sep 2024 Session 3: Public and Private Sector Investments Under Climate and Disaster Risks Translating Climate and Disaster Risk Information in Public Investment Decision–Making Through the New Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) Process
A presentation on how climate change and disaster risks data, information, and considerations are integrated into public investment planning, through ...
Ravikash Reddy
25 Sep 2024 Session 3: Public and Private Sector Investments Under Climate and Disaster Risks Introduction to Opportunities for steering private sector investment towards resilience
In response to increasing risks and threat of climate change, risk assessments and adaptation considerations can be integrated into project investments...
Belinda Hewitt
25 Sep 2024 Session 3: Public and Private Sector Investments Under Climate and Disaster Risks Opportunities for Steering Private Sector Investment Towards Resilience
A brief look at how climate risk adaptation and disaster risk management can be integrated into private sector investments, specifically in the PPP processing...
Jyoti Bisbey


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