2022 Resilience Learning Month


2022 Resilience Learning Month

15 September 2022 to 23 September 2022

In celebration of Resilience Learning Month 2022, ADB has organized a series of online events and capacity-building workshops that highlight regional and global innovation and lessons learned on tackling climate change and building climate and disaster resilience, delivered in partnership with ADB operations departments and sector and thematic groups.


Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
03 Oct 2022 30 August – 12 September 2022 Capacity Development Course
SDCD held avirtual Resilience Learning Month 2022 capacity development course in September whichtargeted national staff from ADB resident missions and...
03 Oct 2022 15 and 21 September 2022 Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for Climate Disaster Risk Management
Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)invited project officers, consultants, and practitioners to attend the Nature-...
03 Oct 2022 16 September 2022 Low-carbon and Climate-resilient Urban Development
Cities in Asia and the Pacific region play a critical role in stepping up climate actions. The sessionshared experiences from Baguio, Philippines, ...
03 Oct 2022 19 September 2022 Adaptation without Borders
Implications of climate risk are increasingly being felt beyond borders. The sessionintroduced the global partnershipAdaptation WithoutBorders,created...
03 Oct 2022 20 September 2022 Designing Climate-resilient Housing: Best Practices from ADB-supported Projects
Central and West Asia Department of ADB,in cooperation with East Asia Department,organizeda session on climate-resilient housing. The sessionshowcased...
03 Oct 2022 22 September 2022 Briefing on the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (GAR2022): Our World at Risk – Transforming Governance for a Resilient Future
COVID-19 and climate change are making it clear that disaster impacts increasingly cascade across geographies and sectors. Despite progress, risk creation...
03 Oct 2022 23 September 2022 Upstream Climate Assessments – Rationale, Types, and Examples
ADB's Central and West Asia Departmenttogether with Pacific Asia andClimate Change and Disaster Risk Management Divisionpresented the rationale for upstream...


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