Online Book Launch – Building Resilient Societies: Insights from Post-Disaster Recovery in Asia and the Pacific
Navigating Resilient Post-Disaster Recovery in Asia and the Pacific, a new book published by ADBI Press, addressed the importance of resilient recovery in the aftermath of disasters, emphasizing the Asia and Pacific region while holding global relevance.
Nature and Climate Nexus: Nature-Based Solutions for Urban and Rural Landscapes
Development projects in urban and rural communities focused on traditional gray infrastructure, such as seawalls, dams, and water treatment plants, especially in Asia and the Pacific, with limited consideration of biodiversity and climate impacts.
Pacific WASH Webinar: Building Successful Utility-Landowner Partnerships for Reliable WASH Services
Providing safe and reliable water services to the public requires water utilities and natural resource management agencies to secure long-term access to land for water resources and water assets.
The ADB Pacific WASH Technical Assistance and Pacific Water and Wastewater Association
Financial Management in ADB Sovereign Operations e-Learning Course
Available online
An online course on the fundamentals of financial management (FM) in ADB-financed projects for staff and officers of implementing and executing agencies. Participants can choose from any of the four learning journeys and take only the modules they need. This course can be taken at anytime and each module takes about 20-30 minutes.