International Anticorruption Day 2024: Integrity in Private Sector Development - A Conversation
In celebration of this year’s International Anticorruption Day, ADB’s Office of Anticorruption and Integrity (OAI) hosted a knowledge-sharing session on Integrity in Private Sector Development: A Conversation to explore the intersection of integrity principles and private sector development to drive economic growth and positive impact in Asia and the Pacific.
Transforming Masculinities to End Gender-Based Violence A Panel Discussion to Commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (IDEVAW)
SECURE Webinar 18: Blueprints to Breakthroughs: Enhancing Vaccine Manufacturing Ecosystems in DMCs
The SECURE Webinar 18 is a collaboration with ADB’s Human and Social Development Office’s Solutions Development Working Group on Health Systems Strengthening (HSD-SDWG HSS), focusing on vaccine manufacturing and regulatory ecosystems.