Bangladesh: Wetland Ecosystem Services Workshop

Series: ADB Data Room: Regional Flyway Initiative

Bangladesh: Wetland Ecosystem Services Workshop

27 May 2024 to 29 May 2024

The Regional Flyway Initiative (RFI) Training Series: Workshop on Wetland Ecosystem Services and Nature-based Solutions, co-organized by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP), and BirdLife International, aimed to enhance the institutional capacity of governments and national-level stakeholders for understanding wetland values across the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.

Workshop objective: To strengthen the capacity of wetland managers, policymakers, and conservation practitioners for sustainable wetland management through an in-depth understanding of wetland ecosystem services and how to assess them. The ecosystem service assessment process is expected to involve stakeholder consultation and engagement that will help gather consensus on site boundaries for priority wetlands, habitat types, provision of ecosystem services, drivers of change, and addressing challenges at the site level.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
27 May 2024 Welcome Remarks Asian Development Bank - Bangladesh Resident Mission Jiangbo Ning, Deputy Country Director
27 May 2024 Welcome Remarks East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership Secretariat Yoon Kyung Lee, External Relations Manager
27 May 2024 Welcome Remarks SCOPE Foundation Sayam U. Chowdhury
27 May 2024 Welcome Remarks IUCN Bangladesh Shaikh Muhammad Mehedi Ahsan, Country Representative
27 May 2024 Opening Session Overview of Flyways in Bangladesh by Bangladesh Forest Department and IUCN Imran Ahmed, Conservator of Forests, Wildlife & Nature Conservation Circle and A. B. M. Sarowar Alam, Programme Manager, Species and Habitats, IUCN Bangladesh
27 May 2024 Opening Session East Asian-Australasian Flyway - Regional Flyway Initiative: Quick Overview
This presentation provides an overview of the Regional Flyway Initiative which aims to mobilize $3 billion of investment in wetland protection and management...
Duncan Lang
27 May 2024 Opening Session East Asian-Australasian Flyway - Regional Flyway Initiative: Focus on Bangladesh
A background on the work of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) is presented, highlighting the Flyway Network Sites in Bangladesh that...
Yoon Lee
27 May 2024 Opening Session Identifying Priority Sites for Migratory Waterbirds in Bangladesh
The site selection process undertaken by the Regional Flyway Initiative (RFI) is explained and the priority wetland sites in Bangladesh is presented after...
Ding Li Yong
27 May 2024 Opening Remark Chief Guest from Bangladesh Forest Department Md. Amir Hosain Chowdhury, Chief Conservator of Forests
27 May 2024 Session 1 Introduction to Ecosystem Services: Definitions and Concepts
This presentation introduces the key concepts of ecosystem servicesand assessment that can contribute to betterbiodiversity conservation and resource ...
Kelvin Peh
27 May 2024 Session 2 Introduction to the Tools for Assessing Ecosystem Services
This presentation discusses the various tool used in ecosystem services assessment such asRapid Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Services (RAWES) and theToolkit...
Stefano Barchiesi
27 May 2024 Session 3 Carbon Biomass Estimates using Remote Sensing
This presentation gives an overview of the storage, emissions, and sequestration of carbon in wetlandsand how remote sensing can be used to estimate carbon...
Radhika Bhargava
27 May 2024 Session 3 Coastal Protection and Water-related Services of Regional Flyway Initiative (RFI) sites in Bangladesh
The preliminary results of the site-based and modelling-based assessments of coastal protection and water-related ecosystem services in the RFI sites ...
Stefano Barchiesi
27 May 2024 Session 4 Introduction to the Preliminary Scoping Appraisal of the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment (TESSA)
This presentation elaborates the preliminary scoping appraisal for ecosystem services of wetlands withthe Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment...
Evelyn Piña-Covarrubias
27 May 2024 Group Photos Group Photos
Participants, organizers, and speakers at Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf, Srimongal
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
28 May 2024 Stakeholder Analysis and Capacity Needs Assessment
Wetland stakeholder analysis involvesmapping of the differentstakeholders and their rolesin wetland management and explores the potential future roles...
Billy Fairburn


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