Duncan Lang

Senior Environment Specialist
Profile / Bio: 

Duncan is a Senior Environment Specialist at ADB in the Safeguards Division and Environment Thematic Group Unit of SDCC where he provides advisory and compliance support to operational departments as well as working on thought leadership work within the environment sector. His current work involves development of ADB’s long-term strategy to further mainstream biodiversity at the bank amongst other things. With an academic background in ecology Duncan started off his career as a researcher studying bats in Thailand, before in 2005 embarking on his professional career in the UK as an ornithologist in the burgeoning wind industry. From here his career moved to focus on wetland bird survey and assessment as well as general ecology before broadening to wider environmental issues. From starting off his career in the UK he has gained a wide variety of experience across a range of sectors and has worked in multiple countries across Asia and Europe including Georgia, Armenia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei and Nepal amongst others.​
Duncan is a keen birder and volunteered as a Wetland Birds Surveyor (WeBS) in the UK for six years, helping to provide wetland bird count data for a sector within the Firth of Forth Estuary SPA Natura Site in Scotland as part of the national recording system. He is also a member of both the Scottish and Oriental Bird Clubs.


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
East Asian-Australasian Flyway - Regional Flyway Initiative: Quick Overview 27 May 2024 Slides Environment
East Asian-Australasian Flyway - Regional Flyway Initiative: Quick Overview 27 November 2023 Slides Environment
East Asian-Australasian Flyway - Regional Flyway Initiative Overview 13 September 2023 Slides Environment
ផ្លូវហោះហើរក្នុងតំបន់អាស៊ីខាងកើត-អូស្ត្រាលី - គំនិតផ្តួចផ្តើមផ្លូវហោះហើរក្នុងតំបន់ ទិដ្ឋភាពទូទៅ 13 September 2023 Slides Environment
RFI and Sustainable Wetlands Management 27 July 2023 Slides Agriculture and Natural Resources, Climate Change, Environment, Regional Cooperation and Integration
Building a Business Case for the Future of our Shared Flyway 14 March 2023 Slides Agriculture and Natural Resources, Climate Change, Economics, Environment, Regional Cooperation and Integration
ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Safeguards in Different Financing Modalities 20 February 2023 Slides Environment, Social Development and Protection, Finance
eSensitivity mapping – Avoiding conflict between birds and renewable energy 20 May 2022 Slides Climate Change, Environment
ADB Safeguard Policy Review Update – Phase 2 Regional Consultation Summary: Cultural Heritage Consultations 10 January 2022 Document Environment
ADB Safeguard Policy Review Update – Phase 2 Regional Consultation Summary: Biodiversity and Sustainable Natural Resource Management Consultations 13 December 2021 Document Environment
Zeroing-in on Sustainable Wetland Management: Challenges and Prospects (the Regional Flyway Initiative) 06 December 2021 Slides Agriculture and Natural Resources, Climate Change, Environment, Knowledge Management, Regional Cooperation and Integration
ADB Safeguard Policy Review and Update: Pollution Prevention and Abatement Study 25 November 2021 Slides Capacity Development, Climate Change, Environment
Regional Flyway Initiative: Introduction, Objectives, Progress, and Next Steps 29 September 2021 Slides Environment
Scaling up the East Asian-Australasian Regional Flyway Initiative 16 October 2020 Slides Environment