Risk Transfer Mechanisms: Partnerships for Coral Reef Finance and Insurance in Asia and the Pacific


Risk Transfer Mechanisms: Partnerships for Coral Reef Finance and Insurance in Asia and the Pacific

14 November 2023

Healthy coastal ecosystems provide natural protective services and a first line of defense for coastal cities, communities, and infrastructure, as well as other valuable ecosystem services. For example, well maintained coral reefs provide critical ecosystem services, such as nurseries and feeding grounds for fisheries; coastal protection; and food supply and livelihood security for many coastal communities.

However, the health of these ecosystems is rapidly declining. Preventing and reversing this decline requires a number of interventions, including (i) building the case for effective coral reef protection, restoration, and sustainable management; (ii) implementing strong policies and governance approaches to underpin their protection, restoration, and sustainable management; and (iii) deploying sustainable financing and risk management systems to address climate change related hazards.

The multistakeholder project  “Risk Transfer Mechanisms: Partnerships for Coral Reef Finance and Insurance in Asia and the Pacific” under ADB’s technical assistance Building Coastal Resilience through Nature-Based and Integrated Resilience Solutions - Risk Financing and Insurance Solutions in Ecosystems (Output 4)  aims to identify, recommend, and demonstrate the applicability of sustainable financing and risk management models and approaches to unlock capital and investments for coral reef ecosystems that are applicable also to other nature-based solutions. It targets high-opportunity sites in four countries, namely Fiji, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Solomon Islands, to increase the climate resilience of coastal areas, businesses, communities, and livelihoods. The project is funded by Asia-Pacific Climate Finance Fund (ACliFF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). It also benefits from a number of aligned initiatives of ADB, including the Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) for Fiji and Solomon Islands; the proposed Sustainable Tourism Development Project in the Philippines; and a number of other grants, TAs, and loans in the project countries. 

The following workshops/meetings have been organized in relation to this project:

  • 14 November 2023: Project inception meeting brings together key government partners, the Landell Mills consultant consortium team, and ADB's project team including relevant resident missions to kick-start the project and to outline the intended approach and expected deliverables at the regional, national and local levels
  • 28 February 2024: Prioritization workshop for Indonesia outlines the intended approach for assessing risk transfer/reef insurance opportunities within key sites in Indonesia and  facilitates agreement on two high opportunity sites for Indonesia to take forward into full assessment.
  • 8 March 2024: Stakeholder workshop for Solomon Islands outlines the intended approach to develop a financing model for Arnavon Community Marine Park and obtains stakeholder feedback on the proposed project approach.
  • 9 April 2024: Prioritization workshop for Fiji aims to understand the priorities of the Fiji government, outline reef insurance opportunities within key sites, and collaboratively agree on two high opportunity sites for Fiji to take forward into full assessment.
  • 22 May 2024: Inception workshop for Philippines discusses reef insurance opportunities within a pilot location in Siargao and gathers insights for the detailed assessment of the pilot location.
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
14 Nov 2023 Welcome Welcome Remarks [Document] [Multimedia] The welcome remarks provide an overview of the project and agenda of the meeting. Junkyu Lee
14 Nov 2023 Outline of the agenda, introduction of participants, and meeting moderation List of participants
List of participants representing the relevant government agencies, Landell Mills consultant consortium team, and ADB project team.
Thomas Kessler, Arun Abraham
14 Nov 2023 Outline of the agenda, introduction of participants, and meeting moderation Inception Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda
Thomas Kessler, Arun Abraham
14 Nov 2023 Presentations Scene Setting: “Sustainable Finance for Asia and the Pacific: Protecting and Restoring Coral Reefs” [Slides] [Multimedia] [Document] The session summarizes the key findings and recommendations of the Knowledge Product "Sustainable Finance for Asia and the Pacific: Protecting and Restoring... Martha Rogers, Fernando Secaira
14 Nov 2023 Presentations Project Overview: “Risk Financing and Insurance Solutions for Coastal Resilience in Asia-Pacific" [Slides] [Multimedia] The sessions cover the following: overview of the project, outline of modelling approach, and outline of prioritization exercise and data needs. Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez, Cherie Gray, Piyush Sharma, James Spurgeon
14 Nov 2023 Presentations Project Overview Louise Heaps and Lorena Ramirez
14 Nov 2023 Presentations Outline of modelling approach Cherie Gray and Piyush Sharma
14 Nov 2023 Presentations Outline of prioritization exercise and data needs James Spurgeon
14 Nov 2023 Wrap Up Meeting Summary
The note summarizes the meeting discussion, including Q&A and next steps.
Thomas Kessler
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
28 Feb 2024 Workshop Opening Ibu Helena Lawira, Senior Project Officer, Asian Development Bank Indonesia
28 Feb 2024 Overview of the ADB’s coastal risk and resilience priorities and project context and purpose Indonesia Prioritization Workshop Agenda
Meeting objectives, agenda, and list of participants
Thomas Kessler
28 Feb 2024 Presentations Coral reef risk and resilience in Indonesia
Current situation with regards to coral reef risk and resilience in Indonesia and the project expectations
Firdaus Agung
28 Feb 2024 Presentations Overview of project, Prioritization assessment approach and results
Overview of project objectives, expected outcomes andtimelines;initial assessment based on a series of prioritization criteria of the seven candidate ...
Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez, James Spurgeon, Cherie Gray, Piyush Sharma
28 Feb 2024 Moderated discussion on assessment approach, indicators and weightings Workshop recording
Recording of presentations and moderated discussion to identify two sites in Indonesia that will be taken forward for further analysis.
Budiati Prasetiamartat
28 Feb 2024 Closing Remarks Firdaus Agung
28 Feb 2024 Summary of Proceedings Summary of Proceedings
Summary of Prioritzation Workshop Proceedings
Lorena Ramirez
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 Mar 2024 Meeting Opening ADB Pacific Department
08 Mar 2024 Overview of the ADB’s coastal risk and resilience priorities and project context Arun Abraham, ADB/GEF Senior Environment Specialist (Consultant) Climate Change Resilience and Environment Cluster
08 Mar 2024 Current situation on coral reef risk and resilience in Solomon Islands and the project expectations Josef Hurutarau, Director for Conservation, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster and Meteorology
08 Mar 2024 Overview of the meeting program and round table of introductions Stakeholder Meeting in Solomon Islands - Agenda
Meeting purpose Build an understanding of priorities of the Government of Solomon Islands onstrengthening reef resilience and sustainable management...
Stephen Mosese
08 Mar 2024 Overview of project objectives, expected outcomes Louise Heaps, Project Director and Lorena Ramirez, Project Coordinator
08 Mar 2024 Proposed project approach Proposed Project Approach - Solomon Islands
The presentation discusses the proposed approach and methodology for the 3 project deliverables: Developing an Arnavon Community Marine Park (ACMP...
Camille Richer, James Spurgeon, Cherie Gray
08 Mar 2024 Moderated discussion towards seeking feedback on the proposed approach Stephen Mosese, In-country Coordinator, Landell Mills
08 Mar 2024 Closing remarks Arun Abraham, ADB/GEF Senior Environment Specialist (Consultant) Climate Change Resilience and Environment Cluster
08 Mar 2024 Video Recording Stakeholder Workshop in Solomon Islands - Video Recording
This meeting aimed to: Build an understanding of priorities of the Government of Solomon Islands on strengthening reefresilience and sustainable...
Lorena Ramirez
08 Mar 2024 Workshop Summary Stakeholder Workshop in Solomon Islands - Summary
This meeting aimed to: Build an understanding of priorities of the Government of Solomon Islands on strengthening reef resilience and sustainable...
Lorena Ramirez
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
09 Apr 2024 Agenda (Fiji Prioritization Workshop)
The purpose of this workshop is to understand the priorities from the Government stakeholders onstrengthening reef resilience and sustainable management...
09 Apr 2024 Remarks from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Senimili Nakora Baleicakau, Acting Director, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
09 Apr 2024 Overview of the ADB’s coastal risk and resilience priorities and project context Arun Abraham, ADB/GEF Senior Environment Specialist (Consultant) Climate Change Resilience and Environment Cluster
09 Apr 2024 Overview of project Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez
09 Apr 2024 Climate risk assessment and prioritisation assessment results James Spurgeon, Cherie Gray
09 Apr 2024 Moderated discussion Francis Areki, In-country coordinator in Fiji, WWF Pacific
09 Apr 2024 Closing remarks Arun Abraham
09 Apr 2024 Next Steps & Close Louise Heaps
09 Apr 2024 Workshop materials Presentation (Fiji Prioritization Workshop)
The purpose of this workshop is to understand the priorities from the Government stakeholders onstrengthening reef resilience and sustainable management...
Arun Abraham, Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez, James Spurgeon, Cherie Gray
09 Apr 2024 Workshop materials Summary Note (Fiji Prioritization Workshop)
Based on the discussion, Suva and Denarau were initially confirmed as priority sites.
09 Apr 2024 Workshop materials Video Recording (Fiji Prioritization Workshop)
This workshop aims to (i) build an understanding of Fijian government priorities on strengthening reef resilienceand sustainable management of coral reef...
Arun Abraham, Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez, James Spurgeon, Cherie Gray, Francis Areki
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
22 May 2024 Agenda Agenda (Siargao, Philippines Inception Workshop)
This workshopaims to: build an understanding of the Philippine government priorities on strengtheningreef resilience and sustainable management ...
22 May 2024 Workshop Opening Christine Engstrom
22 May 2024 Remarks from the DENR Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) supervising Siargao Island Protected Landscape and Seascape (SIPLAS) Samuel L. Malayao DMO IV/ Protected Area Superintendent DENR PAMO SIPLAS
22 May 2024 Overview of the project Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez
22 May 2024 Initial Climate Risk Assessment Piyush Sharma, Swiss Re
22 May 2024 Selection of pilot location in Siargao Next steps: Valuation and Cost benefit analysis James Spurgeon and Tara Alessandra Abrina, Ecosystem Valuation Specialists
22 May 2024 Knowledge Management and Capacity Building Thomas Dallison and Francis Staub, Blue Pangolin
22 May 2024 Reef Vulnerability Assessment and Coral Reef Restoration Selina Ward, Coral Reef Ecologist, University of Queensland
22 May 2024 Moderated Discussion Diane Figueroa, In- country coordinator in the Philippines, Rare
22 May 2024 Closing Remarks Louise Heaps, Project Director
22 May 2024 Remarks from Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) Isidro Velayo, Jr., OIC Director
22 May 2024 Closing Remarks Arun Abraham, ADB/GEF Senior Environment Specialist (Consultant) Climate Change Resilience and Environment Cluster, ADB
22 May 2024 Workshop materials Presentation (Siargao, Philippines Inception Workshop)
This workshop aims to: build an understanding of the Philippine government priorities on strengtheningreef resilience and sustainable management...
Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez, Piyush Sharma, James Spurgeon
22 May 2024 Workshop materials Video (Siargao, Philippines Inception Workshop)
This workshop aims to: build an understanding of the Philippine government priorities on strengtheningreef resilience and sustainable management...
Christine Engstrom, Louise Heaps, Lorena Ramirez, Piyush Sharma, James Spurgeon, Arun Abraham


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