Lorena is the project coordinator for ADB's project on risk financing solutions and transfer mechanisms to promote climate resilience for ecosystems (Output 4 of TA 6742-REG Building Coastal Resilience through Nature Based and Integrated Solutions in Asia and the Pacific). She was also the project manager of the ADB’s Knowledge Support and Technical Assistance Project on Strengthening Integrated Flood Risk Management (TA 9634-REG), in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and Viet Nam.
Lorena is a Senior Water Specialist in the Environment and Water Division at Landell Mills, where she has been managing and providing technical backstopping for ADB projects in the Asia Pacific region for over 4 years. Lorena has 10 years of experience in the water sector, with a focus on flood risk management, and holds a Masters in Environmental Water Management from Cranfield University and a Masters in Forestry Engineering from the Universidad de Cordoba in Spain.