39th IAIA Annual Conference Session - Without Health, There is Nothing: Health Impact Achievements in Asia


39th IAIA Annual Conference Session - Without Health, There is Nothing: Health Impact Achievements in Asia

01 May 2019

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is seen as an important development policy and planning tool, as it aids decision-makers and other stakeholders in ensuring that development benefits are evenly shared across affected communities and that negative impacts do not disproportionately fall on the most vulnerable. This session, organized by ADB during the 39th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment,  conveyed the business case for undertaking Health Impact Assessment. Caravan-style presentations elaborated on various aspects of ADB’s work on HIAs, including the development of a HIA sourcebook, the regional HIA framework for Special Economic Zones, and strengthening capacity on HIA for development finance institutions and countries and proponents working on or looking to strengthening HIA or Health in Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) elsewhere. The session also showcased a number of demonstration projects in various sectors that show good practice in the conduct of HIA.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
01 May 2019 Presentation Asian Development Bank: The Business Case for Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
Years of experience on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and safeguard processes provided the momentum to strengthen HIA practice within ADB procedures and...
Emma Marsden, Michiko Suga
01 May 2019 Presentation Advancing Health Impact Assessment in Lao PDR
Lao PDR has been an early and successful adopter of Health Impact Assessment (HIA). The presenter showcased recent HIA policy and practice achievements...
Tayphasavanh Fengthong
01 May 2019 Presentation HIA Case Studies and Transboundary Health Issues
This presentation showcases Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) undertaken as part of pilot projects from key infrastructure sectors in the Greater Mekong...
Filipe Silva
01 May 2019 Presentation Towards the Establishment of the HIA Network Asia
This presentation gives an overview of the HIA Network Asia Pacific, an organization that aims to promote HIA education and practice and to facilitate...
Helen Brown
01 May 2019 Presentation HIA for Economic Zones in the Greater Mekong Subregion
There are over 500 special economic zones (SEZs) across the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). This HIA framework was developed to identify, mitigate, and...
Janis Shandro
01 May 2019 Presentation Hazardous Material Management in Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
The Thilawa Special Economic Zone is the first operational SEZ in Myanmar and one of the largest industrial development. Thilawa SEZ recognized the need...
Gene Peralta
01 May 2019 Presentation Thai Experiences on Health Impact Assessment (HIA) from Policy to Practice
This presentation describes Thailand’s comprehensive HIA system, which evolved over the last 10 years. Thailand has a unique situation on HIA, assuch ...
Jittima Rodsawad


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39th IAIA Annual Conference Session - Without Health, There is Nothing: Health Impact Achievements in Asia | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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