Michiko Suga

Deputy Representative
Profile / Bio: 

Ms. Suga joined ADB in 2004 and worked in the Southeast Asia (SERD) and Pacific Regional Department (PARD) including a two-year assignment to the Lao Resident Mission. She also worked for the European Investment Bank (EIB) where she led the process of drafting and introducing EIB’s first social policy guidelines and established institutional arrangements for EIB operations worldwide to operationalize the new policy. Prior to joining ADB, Ms. Suga worked for UNDP in the context of institutional policy planning, resource mobilization and project management.

Currently, Ms. Suga is the Deputy Representative of the European Representative Office (ERO) of ADB in Frankfurt in which role she maintains relationships with key stakeholders across ADB’s 17 European member countries, including knowledge sharing initiatives, outreach activities, and external relations. Prior to joining ERO, Ms. Suga was responsible for the social development and social safeguards issues for ADB supported development projects in SERD and PARD. Since joining ADB, Michiko has worked in multiple infrastructure teams and anchored compliance together with social dimensions and ensured quality assurance of investments. She has also held a number of development related positions in other multilateral banks, the United Nations, and in the private sector.

Ms. Suga has over 17 years of experience in project implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and project design with a successful track record of securing funding, budget and grant management, external engagements, and strategic planning. She also has accumulated a background in policy development, human resource management


Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Introduction on Finnish Education Service 23 November 2022 Slides ADB Administration and Governance
Asian Development Bank: The Business Case for Health Impact Assessment (HIA) 01 May 2019 Slides ADB Administration and Governance, Health, Capacity Development