Building Capacity for Conserving and Managing Natural Capital during the Planning and Implementation of Transportation Projects in South Asia


Building Capacity for Conserving and Managing Natural Capital during the Planning and Implementation of Transportation Projects in South Asia

15 July 2019 to 19 July 2019

Global infrastructure investment is accelerating dramatically. For transport infrastructure alone, 25 million kilometers of roads will be added by 2050 – with 90% in developing countries – including many regions that sustain exceptional biodiversity. The Sustainable Development Goals call for sustainable infrastructure and recognizes that the conservation of biodiversity and critical ecosystem services underpins all of the SDGs. Key questions - How can we ensure that the investments are sustainable? What guidance and innovations can support infrastructure planning and design? What are countries already doing? What are the financing options? How can you get involved?

This training aimed to build the capacity of participants working in the implementation of green infrastructure projects in transportation. The target participants were from road, railway, and power transmission departments in South Asia. The training benefited a wide range of professionals including project planners/engineers, the conservation community, donor agencies, and decision-makers.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
15 Jul 2019 Conservation and Management of Natural Capital Why, What and How to Protect Natural Capital in the Planning and Implementation of Transport Projects
Impacts of global transportation trendsto biodiversity and ways on how we can make infrastructure projects more sustainable for nature.
Francesco Ricciardi
15 Jul 2019 Conservation and Management of Natural Capital for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Overview ofspecific mitigation measures for planning and execution of transport projects to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Malvika Onial
15 Jul 2019 Promoting Sustainable Development and Conservation in Connected Habitats Review of Global Development Trends in Road and Rail Sectors and Challenges for Biodiversity Conservation
Examples of ecologically sound, economically efficient and socially equitable infrastructure development around the globe
Vinod Mathur
15 Jul 2019 Short Film – From Killer Roads to Humane Highways
‘From Killer Roads to Humane Highways’ addresses the adverse impacts of roads and highways on wildlife, and showcases some of the mitigation measures ...
Shekar Dattatri
15 Jul 2019 The Relevance of Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Planning and Implementation of Development Projects
Describes the process of embedding biodiversity considerations into policies, strategies and practices of key public and private actors that impact or...
Asha Rajvanshi
15 Jul 2019 Framework for Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Planning and Implementation of Developments in the Transportation Sector
Key functional attributes and ecosystem processes for consideration in the environmental impact assessment process of transport projects
Malvika Onial
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
16 Jul 2019 Green Infrastructure Principles for Combining Conservation and Smart Development Goals Relevance of Transportation Ecology in Promoting Green Transportation Infrastructure
Examines the relations between humans, transport and the environment and ways on how to keepwildlife movement safeacross roads and rails.
Asha Rajvanshi
16 Jul 2019 Prospects and Challenges of Greening Transport Infrastructure in South Asia: An Overview
Analysis of green transport projects and keys to building green, sustainable transport infrastructure in South Asia
Norris Dodd
16 Jul 2019 Impacts of Railways on Elephants: Experience from India
Overview of Asian elephants and tigers in a connected landscape in India
Ajay Desai
16 Jul 2019 Impacts of Railways on Elephants: Experience from Bangladesh
Science-based and data-driven approach to promoting Asian elephant and other wildlife connectivity in conjunction with the railway project in Bangladesh...
Norris Dodd
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
17 Jul 2019 Sensitive Planning and Smart Green Growth Approaches for more Pragmatic Mitigation Options Good Practice Guidance for Infrastructure Development and Design: Experiences from India
Design considerations in critical corridors for connecting key wildlife habitat in India.
Asha Rajvanshi
17 Jul 2019 Promoting Eco-friendly Measures to Mitigate Impacts of Linear Infrastructure Developments on Wildlife: From Best Practice Prescriptions to Implementation
Examples of mainstreaming biodiversity conservation in linear developments for both development and conservation.
Vinod Mathur
17 Jul 2019 Implementation of Wildlife Mitigation Measures: Governance Challenges
Highlights the importance of coordination with national agencies in implementing transport projects
Norris Dodd
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
18 Jul 2019 Developing Context Sensitive Solutions for Road and Rail Sectors Developing Context Sensitive Solutions for Road and Rail Sectors: Lessons Learnt from Road Projects in North America and Other Countries
Case studies of green infrastructures in North America and other countries.
Norris Dodd
18 Jul 2019 Developing Context Sensitive Solutions for Other Linear Infrastructure Projects
Describes how power linespose a major threat to many bird species across the world and how to prevent bird collisions.
Suresh Kumar
18 Jul 2019 Going Beyond Reactive Mitigation: Planning Tools and Financing Options Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): A Pro-active Approach to Avoid Reactive Mitigation
Relevance of SEA inmainstreaming environment ito development planning and decision making.
Asha Rajvanshi
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
19 Jul 2019 Incentivizing Conservation for Managing Residual Impacts of Development Projects Offsets for Compensating Residual Impacts: Concept to Practice
Guiding principles, key challenges and risks associatedin developing biodiversity offsets in infrastructure development
Asha Rajvanshi
19 Jul 2019 Case Examples of Offsets
Case examples on biodiversity offsets from Africa, USA and other countrieshighlighting conservation outcomes
Vinod Mathur


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