Suresh Kumar

, Wildlife Institute of India
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Suresh's primary interest is in researching on lesser known and threatened fauna, their ecology and conservation. By training he is a wildlife biologist (M.Sc Wildlife Science from the Wildlife Institute of India). He started his research career with a study on pheasant distributions in the Eastern Himalaya Biodiversity Hotspot in the north-east India where he discovered a new subspecies of Sclater'smonal pheasant Lophophorus sclateri. Following which he was involved in carrying out an ecological study on a new species of monkey - the Arunachal macaque Macaca munzala from western Arunachal Pradesh, India. On completion of this study, he moved to yet another challenging area and subject of study, to determine the offshore distribution of Olive ridley sea turtle Lepidochely solivacea along the east coast of India. This study involved the use of satellite telemetry to understand the movements and migration of the ridley turtles, and it was the topic of his doctoral research. In 2008, he joined the Wildlife Institute of India as faculty where he is involved in both teaching and training assignments. His sea faring experiences took him to Antarctica as part of the 29th Indian Scientific Expedition in 2009, where he conducted aerial surveys for marine mammals and birds.
