Nature-Based Solutions: Scaling Sustainable Fisheries and Coastal Management

Series: Green Road to Cali Series

Nature-Based Solutions: Scaling Sustainable Fisheries and Coastal Management

26 July 2024

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) dramatically scaled up its work on the environment and nature in response to the climate crisis, recognizing that healthy ecosystems are essential for climate resilience and sustainable development. The ADB Environment Group hosted the second part of the “Green Road to Cali” series, entitled "Nature-based Solutions: Scaling Sustainable Fisheries and Coastal Management," on 26 July 2024, Friday, at 3:00 p.m. (GMT+8/Manila time).

This second session focused on the Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) piloted for the ADB-supported Cambodia Sustainable Marine and Coastal Fisheries project and how the framework helps visualize the impacts of nature-positive investments. The presentation, led by ADB Senior Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist Alvin Lopez and ADB consultant Douglas Gayeton, showcased the EBF methodology and the potential opportunities for its broader use to scale up nature-positive investments. The speakers also aimed to share the latest developments in biodiversity conservation, highlight the importance of biodiversity-friendly measures and nature-based solutions in various sectors, identify new project ideas, and discuss innovative financing solutions for biodiversity protection and restoration.

The “Green Road to Cali” knowledge-sharing series explored the latest developments in biodiversity conservation and nature-based solutions leading up to the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which will be held in Cali, Colombia, from 21 October to 1 November 2024. Organized by the ADB Environment Group, this series is designed to provide valuable insights and facilitate discussions on advancing environmental sustainability. The topics for the succeeding events in the series will be announced soon.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
26 Jul 2024 Opening Introduction Isao Endo, Environment Specialist, CCRE-Environment, ADB
26 Jul 2024 Opening Opening Remarks Yoko Watanabe, Director, CCRE-Environment, ADB
26 Jul 2024 Opening Contextual Remarks Warren Evans, Special Senior Advisor (Climate Change), OPR
26 Jul 2024 Presentations Overview of the Cambodia Sustainable Fisheries Project
This presentation gives an overview on nature-based solutions to scale sustainable fisheries and coastal management from 2023 to 2029.
Alvin Lopez
26 Jul 2024 Presentations Ecological Benefits Framework Material
This presentation highlights EBF methodology and the potential opportunities for its broader use to scale up nature-positive investments.
Douglas Gayeton
26 Jul 2024 Reflections
26 Jul 2024 Q&A and Discussion
26 Jul 2024 Wrap-up


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