Sustainable and Inclusive Solutions to Air Pollution and Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Participatory Governance, Social Co-benefits and Co-Innovation

Event: Asia Clean Blue Skies Knowledge Sharing Event on Synergies and Co-benefits of Air Quality and Climate Change Action

Sustainable and Inclusive Solutions to Air Pollution and Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Participatory Governance, Social Co-benefits and Co-Innovation

29 April 2024
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This presentation provides an overview of the Asian Co-benefits Partnership and its emphasis on social benefits and implementation, with a case study on renewables in West Java. It also highlights the potential for solar PV in Bandung and the estimated co-benefits of its installation in residences. Additionally, it mentions the connections between climate actions, environmental impacts, health impacts, and impacted groups, and the need for a tool to demonstrate these connections.

Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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