Asia Clean Blue Skies Knowledge Sharing Event on Synergies and Co-benefits of Air Quality and Climate Change Action


Asia Clean Blue Skies Knowledge Sharing Event on Synergies and Co-benefits of Air Quality and Climate Change Action

29 April 2024 to 30 April 2024

Air pollution and climate change continue to be a global concern, impacting the health and well-being, especially of marginalized groups and lower-income countries. The regional and global direction for action is for nations to progressively commit to a sustainability transition and adopt policies that will combat air pollution and climate change in an integrated manner. To do this, policymakers and stakeholders must understand the nexus between air quality and climate, from sources to impacts, assessment approaches, and the co-benefits of actions to address these issues. This will enable us to allocate scarce resources to investments that deliver the widest possible benefits.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) aims to play a more active role and be a leader in air quality management (AQM) by scaling up investments and capacity-building support to developing countries in Asia and the Pacific. Through the Asia Clean Blue Skies Program (ACBSP), several knowledge-sharing events on AQM topics have been organized on behalf of ADB by Ricardo Energy and Environment, Clean Air Asia, and Air Quality Consultants since 2022. Building on the outcomes of the Better Air Quality Conference in November 2023, this session focuses on identifying and implementing integrated actions to address air pollution and climate change.


Objectives of the Sessions

The session aimed to facilitate the sharing of best practices on improving air quality and reducing climate pollutant emissions, fostering integrative action, and maximizing efficient use of resources to achieve co-benefits. The current understanding of the extent of air pollution, its interactions with climate change, and methods for quantifying the benefits of actions, including the estimation of health and economic gains were discussed. Lessons learned on the challenges and solutions for integrated action were highlighted together with key success factors and considerations to ensure applicability in the regional and local context. Esteemed experts not only highlighted the co-benefits of action but also shared practical approaches in ensuring coordination that can lead to actions and impacts from the national to city levels. In particular, the two-day hybrid learning event aimed to achieve the following:

  • To recognize the clear link between air pollution and climate in the context of science and solutions;
  • To understand various approaches, strategies, and international best practices that can be applied at various levels to maximize the co-benefits of air pollution and climate action;
  • To identify challenges and opportunities for integrated action on air quality and climate change in the local context; and
  • To apply lessons learned from the knowledge sharing event (KSE) towards planning projects that will benefit both air quality and climate.
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
29 Apr 2024 Opening Remarks Jiro Tominaga, Country Director Indonesia Resident Mission, ADB
29 Apr 2024 Keynote Keynote Speech Rachmat Kaimuddin, Deputy Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investments in Infrastructure and Transportation
29 Apr 2024 Event Overview Dana Babela, Senior Researcher, Clean Air Asia
29 Apr 2024 Setting the Scene in Asia
This presentation provides an overview of the air quality and climate status in Asia, including the extent of air quality monitoring stations and accessibility...
Miko Cosep
29 Apr 2024 Question and Answers Tom Buckland Associate Director, Ricardo
29 Apr 2024 Activity: What keywords do you associate the words “air pollution” and “climate change with”? Dana Babela, Senior Researcher, Clean Air Asia
29 Apr 2024 Presentations Connections Between Air Quality And Climate
This presentation provides an overview of the World Meteorological Organization's Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) program, which aims to advance the understanding...
Sara Basart
29 Apr 2024 Presentations NDCs and National Air Quality Programs
This presentation provides an overview of the importance of including air pollution in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), examples of how countries...
Nathan Borgford-Parnell
29 Apr 2024 Presentations Air Pollution in Indonesia Luckmi Purwandari ST. M.SI, Director of Air Pollution Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry
29 Apr 2024 Presentations Air Pollution and Climate Solutions in Southeast Asia
Vanisa Surapipith
29 Apr 2024 Presentations Assessing the Costs of Inaction in Tackling Air Pollution and Climate Change
Jessica Slater
29 Apr 2024 Presentations The Co-benefits Approach to Reduce Threats Posed by Climate Change and Air Pollution
Chris Malley
29 Apr 2024 Presentations Activity: Identifying local challenges What are the challenges or barriers that your city/country are encountering in achieving air quality and climate targets? Dana Babela, Senior Researcher, Clean Air Asia
29 Apr 2024 Synthesis and wrap-up of Day 1 Precious Benjamin, Sustainable Cities Lead, Clean Air Asia
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
30 Apr 2024 Opening Remarks Karma Yangzom, Principal Environment Specialist, ADB
30 Apr 2024 Day 2 Overview Dana Babela, Senior Researcher Clean Air Asia
30 Apr 2024 Presentations Sustainable and Inclusive Solutions to Air Pollution and Climate Change in Southeast Asia: Participatory Governance, Social Co-benefits and Co-Innovation
This presentation provides an overview of the Asian Co-benefits Partnership and its emphasis on social benefits and implementation, with a case study ...
Eric Zusman
30 Apr 2024 Presentations Tackling Climate Change and Air Pollution at the City-Level
This presentation provides an overview of the efforts and progress made by C40 Cities in tackling climate change and air pollution at the city level, ...
Vivian Pun
30 Apr 2024 Presentations Practical Approaches and Opportunities for Integrating Climate and Air Pollution Action
This presentation provides an overview of the opportunities and practical approaches for integrating climate and air pollution action, with a focus on...
Rose Bailey
30 Apr 2024 Presentations Integrative Work of Academia and Government Towards Science-based Policy Development Puji Lestari, Chair of Research Group on Air and Waste Management, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
30 Apr 2024 Presentations Securing Climate Finance for Projects and Programs with Co-benefits with Air Quality
This presentation provides an overview of the Asian Development Bank's commitments and progress in climate finance, specifically in relation to air quality...
Swati Mitchelle Dsouza
30 Apr 2024 Breakout/Group Activity Moderators:
Ririn Kusuma
Precious Benjamin
Devina Anasruron
Clean Air Asia

Thomas Buckland
Rose Bailey
Ricardo Energy and Environment
30 Apr 2024 Sharing of Activity Outputs Thomas Buckland, Associate Director, Ricardo Energy and Environment

Ririn Kusuma, Indonesia Office Director, Clean Air Asia
30 Apr 2024 Audience Feedback Dana Babela, Senior Researcher, Clean Air Asia
30 Apr 2024 Closing Synthesis and Next Steps Karma Yangzom, ADB


The views expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.