Groundwater Assessments to Support Planning and Resilience

Series: Pacific WASH Webinars

Groundwater Assessments to Support Planning and Resilience

17 May 2023


Groundwater is increasingly seen as an alternative resource where surface water is becoming more vulnerable to droughts and other climate-related impacts. Groundwater assessments are critical to utilities in diversifying their sources or expanding groundwater abstraction. Understanding groundwater resources is central to building resilience in water supply systems. As water supplies in Pacific urban centers become scarce and increasingly stressed by climate change, being able to assess the potential of groundwater becomes even more important.

The webinar explored groundwater assessment concepts, tools, and data used, and how they are applied to water supply planning. Samoa Water Authority and Water PNG shared their experiences with developing groundwater assessments, well-field expansion, and how analyzing data was helpful in their planning and development.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
17 May 2023 Presentations Groundwater Assessments for Planning and Resilience: Introduction to webinar
This presentation gives an introduction on the impacts of climate change to Pacific Island Countries.
Edkarl Galing
17 May 2023 Presentations Samoa Groundwater Study
This presentation gives an overview of the plans for Groundwater Development and Management in Samoa.
Dominic Schwalger, Sharon Lesa
17 May 2023 Presentations Groundwater Assessment of Port Moresby Papua New Guinea
This presentation gives an overview of water situation and groundwater systems in Port Moresby.
Sebastian Tomausi, Kerry Kimiafa, Reynar Rollan


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Groundwater Assessments to Support Planning and Resilience | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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