Open Government for Improving Public Services in Asia


Open Government for Improving Public Services in Asia

07 August 2017 to 08 August 2017

Good quality public services are critical to the lives of citizens and ensuring their effective delivery is an essential function of government. But governments are not alone in this; experience and evidence built up over a number of decades have shown that citizens and civil society also have important roles to play in improving, delivering and monitoring public services, and achieving positive outcomes. Open government reforms have the potential to improve existing services and unlock the ideas, knowledge, and capacity for new solutions to societal challenges.

The vision of the organizers of this workshop is that governments becoming more transparent, accountable, and responsive to their own citizens contribute to the ultimate goal of improving the quality of governance, as well as the quality of services that citizens receive. They want to see more and better quality public service commitments in Open Government Partnership (OGP) National Action Plans and Sustainable Development Goals Action Plans, which translate into concrete improvements to people’s daily lives.

This workshop aimed to catalyze ambitious public service delivery reforms; foster learning between government agencies, civil society organizations, and development partners working on improving public services; and explore how the OGP platform can be used to develop, implement, evaluate, and showcase impactful reforms.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
07 Aug 2017 Setting the Scene Welcome Remarks
07 Aug 2017 Expectation Setting for the Workshop
07 Aug 2017 The Elevator Pitch Citizen Satisfaction Index: Pakistan
A survey that identifies areas and cities in Pakistan where services are deficient and fall short of citizens’ satisfaction was designed by the Ministry...
Hasaan Khawar
07 Aug 2017 Mainstreaming Social Accountability - Mongolia
07 Aug 2017 Community-based Monitoring - Afghanistan
07 Aug 2017 Health-sector Initiatives - Sri Lanka
07 Aug 2017 Assistance to Disadvantaged Municipalities
Assistance toDisadvantaged Municipalities, a program of the Government of the Philippines, provides a "catch-up mechanism" to assist municipal governments...
Richard Villacorte
07 Aug 2017 What Works? What Doesn't and Why? Presentations Representatives from ANSA-EAP and Open Data Labs Jakarta
07 Aug 2017 Securing Water for Future Generations: Bringing People to the Policy Making Process
The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) bridges science, policy, and practice to meet its vision of creating a water wise world. This presentation...
Pilar Avello
07 Aug 2017 Promoting Inclusive and Accountable Public Service in Asia and the Pacific
By equipping communities to hold their own governments accountable for the promises they make, Citizen Voice and Action (CVA) is World Vision’s approach...
Deepesh Paul Thakur
07 Aug 2017 Participatory Budgeting in the Philippines
In the Philippines, bottom-up budgeting (BUB) served as the foundation to build evidence based on the key challenges and possible means in addressing ...
Richard Villacorte
07 Aug 2017 Making All Voices Count: A Grand Challenge for Development
Committed to the values and principles of open government, the Making All Voices Count (MAVC) initiative bridges the top-down and bottom-up approaches...
Sarah Ramadhita
07 Aug 2017 Open Government Initiatives for Service Delivery: An Assessment
By conducting an assessment of open government initiatives that improve public service delivery, this presentation aims to (i) create case studies of ...
Jecel Censoro
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 Aug 2017 Innovation Lab LAPOR! Initiative: National Aspiration and Complaint Handling System in the Republic of Indonesia
A one-stop complaint-handling platform called LAPOR! was launched by the Government of Indonesia in 2011 to manage citizens’ complaints and requests received...
Fanni Irsanti
08 Aug 2017 Implementation of LAPOR! in Ministry of Law and Human Rights
LAPOR! is the national complaint-handling mechanism of the Government of Indonesia. Implementation of LAPOR! in the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human...
Fanni Irsanti
08 Aug 2017 Governance HUBS: Higher Education Institutions as Catalysts for Sustainable Local Development and Stronger Local Democracies
Through the Governance Host Universities Bridging Services (G-HUBS), UNDP in 2016 began assisting the Department of Education Philippines in delivering...
Jaime Antonio
08 Aug 2017 The Sustainability Question
08 Aug 2017 Raising Collective Ambition UNDP Resources on Transparency and Accountability for Sustainable Development
Public services are at the heart of people’s lives. Conducting risk assessments is the key to identifying governance bottlenecks and corresponding mitigation...
Liviana Zorzi


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