Grassland Eco-Compensation in China: What Can and Cannot Be Monitored?

Event: 5th International Conference on Eco-Compensation and Payments for Ecosystem Services

Grassland Eco-Compensation in China: What Can and Cannot Be Monitored?

24 November 2016
Author / Speaker: 
Zhentong Hu, China Institute for Rural Studies, Tsinghua University - Email the author | Other materials by the author

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Grassland covers about 40% of the PRC and is its largest terrestrial ecosystem. Since 2011, the government-financed “subsidy and reward program for grassland ecological protection” has been enforced. It is the country’s most important grassland eco-compensation program. In his presentation, Dr. Hu, from Tsinghua University’s China Institute of Rural Study, systematically elaborated the ecological effect, conditionality, and supervision of grassland eco-compensation. Implementation of grassland eco-compensation has resulted in improvements in national grassland ecological environment, but has yet to deliver significant results in terms of addressing grassland overgrazing and reducing livestock. Supervision of grassland eco-compensation is assessed to be weak because of the continued poor compliance of herdsmen with the conditionality of prohibited and balanced grazing policy. To improve grassland eco-compensation supervision, reasonable rates of compensation should be set and default costs should be increased.

Geographical Focus: 
China, People's Republic of
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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Grassland Eco-Compensation in China: What Can and Cannot Be Monitored? | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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