ADB and ADBI Learning Program: Financing Social Protection for the Sustainable Development Goals


ADB and ADBI Learning Program: Financing Social Protection for the Sustainable Development Goals

15 February 2017 to 16 February 2017
Republic of Korea

To assist its developing member countries (DMCs) in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ADB's Social Development Thematic Group initiated research on economic methods to estimate the fiscal implications of meeting the SDGs and pilot applications of the methods. The methods focused on SDGs relevant to social protection and were applied in three countries (Myanmar, Mongolia, and Timor-Leste). This learning event shared the findings of the research and trained DMC officials in applying the methods. 

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
15 Feb 2017 Session 1: Opening Remarks and Overview Presentation Social Protection Policies in Asia: Challenges and Solutions
Social protection helps lift people out of poverty and enhances access to basic social services. It also builds human capital while increasing access ...
Bokhwan Yu
15 Feb 2017 Session 1: Opening Remarks and Overview Presentation Introduction to the Program and Objectives of the Study Sri Wening Handayani
15 Feb 2017 Session 2: Setting the Context: State of Social Protection Financing in Asia The Social Protection Agenda of the SDGs and its Fiscal Challenge
Successfuly meeting the SDGs is not an easy feat, especially since some of these goals have far-reaching social protection agenda. ADB developing member...
Michael Cichon
15 Feb 2017 Session 3: The Potential Contribution of Contributory Social Security and Social Assistance Programs The Potential Contribution of Non-contributory Social Assistance Schemes to the Closure of the Protection Gap in Asia
Social assistance can help reduce poverty and inequality, increase human and physical capital, generate local and regional multiplier effects, and fostereconomic...
Franziska Gassmann
15 Feb 2017 Session 3: The Potential Contribution of Contributory Social Security and Social Assistance Programs The Potential Contribution of Contributory Social Protection (Pensions and other Social Insurance Cash Benefits Schemes) to the Closure of the Protection Gap in Asia
Social insurance provides income security and replaces income lost from old age, incapacity or disability, and sickness. Achieving social insurance coverage...
15 Feb 2017 Session 4: Health Insurance and Health Care Schemes Assessing the Resource Requirements for the Social Protection Agenda of SDGs in Asia- Health Care Schemes
Socialhealth protection aims to ease the burden caused by illness and disabilty. An effective health protection system provides universal access to affordable...
15 Feb 2017 Session 4: Health Insurance and Health Care Schemes Health Insurance Scheme of Republic of Korea Yun Suk-myung, KIHASA
15 Feb 2017 Session 5: Facilitated Group Discussion on Findings Presented/Feedback from Participating Countries Facilitators: Soonman Kwon, ADB; Michael Cichon; Mariana Infante Villaroel
15 Feb 2017 Day 1 Summary/ Wrap-up
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
16 Feb 2017 Session 6A: Presentation of Country Cases Financing the Social Protection Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals in Myanmar
Regional disparities and low human development constrain Myanmar's efforts to meet the social development goals. The country'ssocial protection system...
Mariana Infante-Villarroel
16 Feb 2017 Session 6A: Presentation of Country Cases The Case of Timor Leste
Timor Leste's economy has grown rapidly in recent years. Oil and gas revenues have contributed to the increase of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from...
16 Feb 2017 Session 6B: Presentation of Country Cases The Case of Mongolia
Since its independence, Mongolia has made considerable progress in reducing poverty. From 38.8% in 2010, poverty incidence in the country declinedto 21...
Ludovico Carraro
16 Feb 2017 Session 6B: Presentation of Country Cases Social Protection in Korea: 2016 Social Welfare Key Policy Issues and Government Budget Trend Analysis
In Korea, social protection comprises the largest portion of the government's budget. To further improve the country's social protection system, Korea...
16 Feb 2017 Session 7: Creating Fiscal Space for Financing Social Assistance Programs Options to Create Additional Fiscal Space for Adherence to the Social Protection Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals
To fill the social protection gap of the Sustainable Development Goals implies an increase in spending by 30% in many countries. To bridgethis gap, countries...
Juan Villa
16 Feb 2017 Session 8: Facilitated Group Discussion: Feedback from Government Participants and Resource Persons Moderators: Michael Cichon and Sri Wening Handayani,
16 Feb 2017 Closing Remarks Sri Wening Handayani


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