National Workshop for Promoting Gender Equality in the Labor Market: Gender, Labor, and Migration in the People’s Republic of China


National Workshop for Promoting Gender Equality in the Labor Market: Gender, Labor, and Migration in the People’s Republic of China

17 November 2016 to 18 November 2016
People’s Republic of China

Co-hosted by ADB's East Asia Regional Department and Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, International Labor Organization (ILO), and Beijing Normal University, this workshop shared the findings of the Technical Note on Gender, Migration, and Labor Market, which shows trends in women's employment in the context of various transitions and migration.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
17 Nov 2016 Session 1 - Opening Welcome Remarks and Introduction of Speakers Imrana Jalal
17 Nov 2016 Session 1 - Opening Opening Remarks Benedict Bingham, Xu Yuebin, Tim de Meyer
17 Nov 2016 Session 1 - Opening Introduction - Overview of the Study and Research and Workshop Themes Wendy Walker
17 Nov 2016 Session 2 - Overview of Trends of Emerging Issues in the Labor Market in the PRC: Gender, Migration, and Transitions Gender, Work, and Migration in the People’s Republic of China: An Overview
Gender equality in the labor market is important in its own right and for economic development. There arefour distinct and interconnected transitions ...
Fiona MacPhail
17 Nov 2016 Session 3 - Women in the Labor Market in the People's Republic of China Women in the Labor Market in the People's Republic of China Makiko Matsumoto
17 Nov 2016 Session 4 - Gender, Labor and Migration I A Comparative Analysis on the Occupational Status of Female Migrant Workers in the Labor Market in PRC Ming Tian
17 Nov 2016 Session 4 - Gender, Labor and Migration I Twenty Years of the First Generation of Migrant Women Yao Kun
17 Nov 2016 Session 4 - Gender, Labor and Migration I No One Knows What's Gonna Happen Tomorrow: Mistress Arrangement and the Emotional Dislocation of Rural Women in Urban PRC Suowei Xiao
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
18 Nov 2016 Session 5 - Gender, Labor and Migration II Reproductive Choices of Female Migrant Workers in China
The difference between health care systems and social security systems for rural and urban areas in the People's Republic of Chinais quite apparent. There...
Tianyi Wan
18 Nov 2016 Session 5 - Gender, Labor and Migration II Rural-Urban Migration in Gender Perspectives: A Case of China
Drastic changes have been observed in women's mobility in the People's Republic of China. Instead of marriage, job opportunities have now become a major...
Zhenzhen Zheng
18 Nov 2016 Session 5 - Gender, Labor and Migration II Why Do the Chinese Rural-Urban Migrant Workers Have Lower Social Security Coverage? Li Shi
18 Nov 2016 Session 6 - Emerging Issues Affecting Gender Equality in the Labor Market in the PRC—Gender, Entrepreneurship and the Care Economy How Does Unpaid Care Work Affects Women’s Opportunities and Gender Equality? Findings of the "Care, Gender, and Inclusive Growth in the People’s Republic of China" Project
This presentation summarizedthe findings of a project entitled “The Care Economy, Gender, and Inclusive Growth”. The project wassponsored by the International...
Xiao-Yuan Dong
18 Nov 2016 Session 6 - Emerging Issues Affecting Gender Equality in the Labor Market in the PRC—Gender, Entrepreneurship and the Care Economy Supporting Women Entrepreneurship: Rethinking Policy Actions
Thispresentation focuses on the People's Republic of China's (PRC)practices in supporting women's entrepreneurship. Policy recommendations are provided...
Jiantuo Yu
18 Nov 2016 Session 6 - Emerging Issues Affecting Gender Equality in the Labor Market in the PRC—Gender, Entrepreneurship and the Care Economy Women's Works in Women's Entrepreneurship: An International Perspective—What Does the Evidence Say about Women-Led Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises?
The International Labour Organization undertook an international review of findings of rigorous evaluations of women’s entrepreneurship programs. Based...
Joni Simpson
18 Nov 2016 Closing Imrana Jalal


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