iACT to Fight Corruption! 2020 Events


iACT to Fight Corruption! 2020 Events

17 August 2020

iACT to Fight Corruption! knowledge events are opportunities to interact with national and regional actors, policy experts, and thought leaders who are fighting fraud and corruption in development. Hosted by ADB's Office of Anticorruption and Integrity, these events feature current thoughts and innovations in integrity, ethics, anticorruption, good governance, accountability, and transparency. 

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
30 Jun 2020 Innovation Speakers' Series: Fighting Corruption at a Time of Crisis
ADB's Office of Anticorruption and Integrity and Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department gathered 400 representatives from the US Embassy...
30 Jun 2020 Safeguarding Integrity in the COVID-19 Response and Recovery
More than 130 participants from the member countries and jurisdictionsof the Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific (ACI), observer countries, advisory...
30 Jun 2020 Fighting the Gendered Impact of Corruption
One hundred and sixty-two people tuned in toFighting the Gendered Impact of Corruption,the first virtual Insight Thursday held on 26 March 2020.UN Women...


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iACT to Fight Corruption! 2020 Events | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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