Keynote Lecture: Enhancing Environmental Sustainability in Asia-Pacific: Role of ADB


Keynote Lecture: Enhancing Environmental Sustainability in Asia-Pacific: Role of ADB

26 November 2019

Tomoyuki Kimura, Director General of ADB's Strategy, Policy, and Partnerships Department gave a keynote lecture during the Opening Plenary of the International Symposium on Education and Research in Global Environmental Studies in Asia organized by Kyoto University on 26 November 2019. He presented an overview of ADB's integrated approach that combines finance, knowledge, and partnerships under Strategy 2030 and engaged with experts and scholars in discussions to enhance environmental sustainability in Asia and the Pacific. The presentation also explored issues related to environmental challenges facing Asia and the Pacific region today, with lessons learned from ADB's past and present work to promote environmental sustainability and address climate change. About 240 participants from 30 universities and 14 organizations from 19 countries took part in the international symposium.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
26 Nov 2019 Keynote Lecture Enhancing Environmental Sustainability in Asia and the Pacific
This presentation gave an overview of ADB's integrated approach that combines finance, knowledge, and partnerships under Strategy 2030.
Tomoyuki Kimura


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