Project Readiness Financing (PRF) to Support Climate-Resilient Engineering Design and High Project Implementation Readiness of Urban Sector Projects


Project Readiness Financing (PRF) to Support Climate-Resilient Engineering Design and High Project Implementation Readiness of Urban Sector Projects

08 May 2019

In this knowledge sharing session initiated by SPD and SDCC, PAUW and CWUW will share experiences in designing the first PRFs. The Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund (UCCRTF), administrated by SDCC, is cofinancing CWUW's first PRF for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Cities Improvement Project. This enabled the detailed engineering designs of the infrastructure, to be financed under the ensuing project, to integrate climate resilience technologies. PAUW will present ADB's first PRF in Solomon Islands, Preparing the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 May 2019 Presentation Project Readiness Financing
In this knowledge sharing session initiated by SPD and SDCC, PAUW and CWUW will shareexperiences in designing the first PRFs. The Urban Climate Change...
Allison Woodruff
08 May 2019 Presentation Project Readiness Financing: Solomon Island Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (A Case Study)
In this knowledge sharing session initiated by SPD and SDCC, PAUW and CWUW will shareexperiences in designing the first PRFs. The Urban Climate Change...
Stephen Blaik
08 May 2019 Presentation Pakistan: KP Cities Improvement Project (KPCIP) -Project Readiness Financing
In this knowledge sharing session initiated by SPD and SDCC, PAUW and CWUW will shareexperiences in designing the first PRFs. The Urban Climate Change...
Kiyoshi Nakamitsu
08 May 2019 Presentation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Cities Improvement Project
In this knowledge sharing session initiated by SPD and SDCC, PAUW and CWUW will shareexperiences in designing the first PRFs. The Urban Climate Change...
Oesha Thakoerdin


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