WORKSHOP 2: How-to Series: Planning and Designing CWIS in Practice

Series: Online ADB Sanitation Dialogue 2021 (ASD 2021)

WORKSHOP 2: How-to Series: Planning and Designing CWIS in Practice

13 April 2021

Citywide inclusive sanitation (CWIS) is a relatively new approach to delivering urban sanitation interventions in low- and middle-income countries. It is strikingly different from conventional approaches, which are predominantly sewer-focused and follow top-down planning. CWIS, on the other hand, prioritizes contextual solutions that may be sewered or non-sewered, meaningfully involving local stakeholders and marginalized communities. CWIS also provides an enabling environment for private sector participation and creates a strong monitoring and regulatory framework to ensure that fecal waste is safely managed throughout the value chain.

This workshop is structured into three parts: (i) Introduction to the CWIS Concept, (ii) World Café with Experts, and (iii) Tools and Resources. The workshop will be an interactive session leveraging online tools such as Mentimeter, Zoom Breakout Groups, and Miro Boards.

For the first part, the detailed introduction included the Manila Principles on CWIS along with the practical implications of CWIS. The second part had three external experts hosting the World Café and sharing their CWIS experiences. The third and final part gave an overview of the CWIS tools available for practitioners with a short-dive into select tools.

At the end of the workshop, participants were expected to: 

  • have a basic understanding of the background and concept of CWIS along with real examples, 
  • identify the necessary tools and resources in accordance with the stages of CWIS planning and implementation, and 
  • likely meet and engage with other practitioners across the Asia-Pacific to continue with peer learning and mainstream CWIS.
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
13 Apr 2021 How-to Series: Presentations Program: CWIS Workshop
13 Apr 2021 How-to Series: Presentations Introduction to CWIS
Abishek Narayan
13 Apr 2021 How-to Series: Presentations CWIS Implementation Challenges
Christoph Luthi
13 Apr 2021 How-to Series: Presentations CWIS Available Resources and Tools
Vasco Schelbert
13 Apr 2021 How-to Series: Presentations Mainstreaming CWIS in ADB Operations
Christian Walder


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