Third Asia Think Tank Summit: Inclusive Knowledge Partnerships for Development


Third Asia Think Tank Summit: Inclusive Knowledge Partnerships for Development

20 May 2015 to 22 May 2015

Co-hosted by Asian Development Bank (ADB), the ADB Institute, and the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program of the University of Pennsylvania, this summit comprised of panel discussions on best practices and innovative knowledge partnerships. It initiated three to five parallel tripartite discussions with mutually-aligned knowledge partners, developing member country (DMC) officials, and ADB's operations departments on specific development problems in DMCs. A panel of thought leaders also shared succinct views on how international organizations can engage in knowledge partnerships. The event was part of ADB's Knowledge Partnership Week organized by the Knowledge Sharing and Services Center.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
20 May 2015 Global Trends, Knowledge, and Policy Partnerships Jim McGann
20 May 2015 Welcome Address Bindu Lohani
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
21 May 2015 Opening Session Curtain Raiser: Addressing Knowledge Gaps for Development
21 May 2015 Opening Session Thought Leaders Panel
21 May 2015 Session 1 - Role of Think Tanks in Shaping Asia and the Pacific's Future Presentations Toshiro Iijima, Medelina Hendityo, Than Tun, Pham Tuyet Mai
21 May 2015 Session 1 - Role of Think Tanks in Shaping Asia and the Pacific's Future Economic Challenges in Korea and Korea Institute of Finance's Research
Thispresentation analyzes Korea’s economic challenges and how the research activities of the Korea Institute of Finance (KIF) helped address these. KIF...
Shin Sung Hwan
21 May 2015 Session 1 - Role of Think Tanks in Shaping Asia and the Pacific's Future The Role of Think Tanks in Shaping Asia’s Future
Thispresentation highlights the wide-ranging and diverse roles that think tanks play. As instructions that occupy a place between government and academia...
Melissa Tyler
21 May 2015 Session 2 - Knowledge Partnerships that Increase Capacity and Deliver the Public Goods Opening Presentation Joon-Kyung Kim
21 May 2015 Session 2 - Knowledge Partnerships that Increase Capacity and Deliver the Public Goods Presentations Subir Gokarn, Aniruddha Dasgupta, Antonio Villafranca
21 May 2015 Session 2 - Knowledge Partnerships that Increase Capacity and Deliver the Public Goods Knowledge Partnerships for Regional and Global Public Goods: JICA Research Institute's Experience
This presentation introduces the experiences of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Research Institute in collaborating with various operational...
Ichiro Tambo
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
22 May 2015 Session 3 - Roundtables on Enhanced Partnerships for Solving Key Development Problems in Asia and the Pacific
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Special Economic Zones, Cluster and Economic Corridor Development Presentations Jong Woo Kang, Peter Warr, Rajat Kathuria, Zhenshan Yang, Hartmut Janus
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Special Economic Zones, Cluster and Economic Corridor Development Special Economic Zones, Cluster, and Economic Corridors in the Mekong Region
The characteristics of special economic zones (SEZs) vary for each country in the Mekong region. Locations, conditions, and the role of major players ...
Masami Ishida
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Special Economic Zones, Cluster and Economic Corridor Development Special Economic Zones, Cluster, and Economic Corridor
Thispresentation analyzes special economic zones (SEZ), industrial clusters, and economic corridors in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam, ...
Jin Wang
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Smart Cities Development ADB Activities in the Urban Space Vijay Padmanabhan
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Smart Cities Development Presentations Aniruddha Dasgupta, Tony Wong, Ogenis Brilhante, Rej Kumar, Zhang Xiliang, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Gerald Hane
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Smart Cities Development Overview of Smart Grid Projects and Prospect in Japan
Thispresentation explains the current situation of smart community and energy policy and strategy in Japan. Itprovides sample demonstration projects by...
Hironori Mochiki
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on From Response to Recovery to Resilience: Leadership, Change Management, and Enhancing Public Sector Capability Opening Address Ramesh Subramaniam
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on From Response to Recovery to Resilience: Leadership, Change Management, and Enhancing Public Sector Capability Setting the Context Rachana Shrestha
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on From Response to Recovery to Resilience: Leadership, Change Management, and Enhancing Public Sector Capability Presentations M. Ramesh, Juan Miguel Luz, Joon-Kyung Kim, Pinaki Chakraborty, Sumet Ongkittikul, Emil Bolongaita
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Health Economics, Systems, and Financing ADB's Operational Plan for Health 2015–2020 - Key Priority Areas Susann Roth
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Health Economics, Systems, and Financing Trends in Health Economic Analysis in Asia and the Pacific: What is Needed to Strengthen ADB's Health Sector Work? Phua Kai Hong
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Health Economics, Systems, and Financing Trends in Health Systems and Health Financing Research: What is Needed for ADB's Health Sector Work? Alia Luz
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Health Economics, Systems, and Financing Trends in Health Financing: How Can ADB Provide Innovative Health Financing Solutions to its Developing Member Countries? Soonman Kwon
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Health Economics, Systems, and Financing Trends in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Health: How Should ADB Support Developing Member Countries in Health PPPs? Maria Elena Baltazar Herrera
22 May 2015 Parallel Session on Health Economics, Systems, and Financing Health Care Innovations: Leveraging New Developments in Science and Technology Gerald Hane
22 May 2015 Wrap-Up Session Summary of Session 1 - Role of Think Tanks in Shaping Asia's Future Bokhwan Yu
22 May 2015 Wrap-Up Session Summary of Session 2 - Knowledge Partnerships that Increase Capacity and Deliver the Public Goods Jim McGann
22 May 2015 Wrap-Up Session Summary of Roundtable on Special Economic Zones, Cluster, and Economic Corridor Development Jong Woo Kang
22 May 2015 Wrap-Up Session Summary of Roundtable on Smart Cities Development Yongping Zhai
22 May 2015 Wrap-Up Session Summary of Roundtable on From Response to Recovery to Resilience: Leadership, Change Management, and Enhancing Public Sector Capability Gambhir Bhatta
22 May 2015 Wrap-Up Session Summary of Roundtable on Health Economics, Systems, and Financing Susann Roth
22 May 2015 Wrap-Up Session Closing Remarks


The views expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.