Pacific AML/CFT Webinar Series


Pacific AML/CFT Webinar Series

07 December 2020 to 11 December 2020

The Pacific AML/CFT Webinar series is designed to provide a balanced, practical view of the state of AML/CFT in the Pacific Region, with particular focus on trade-based money laundering.

The Pacific AML/CFT Webinar series explored a range of issues relevant to the region around Financial Crimes Compliance, including the state of collaborative public/private efforts to combat trade-based money laundering and terrorism financing. Each 90-minute session started with a brief context-setting keynote, followed by a moderated panel discussion and a Q& A session allowing delegates to engage in the discussion. The webinar series also included case studies highlighting notable learnings and successes in AML/CFT from the regulatory, industry and intelligence/investigative perspective. 

(Note: Session recordings are available on-demand only. To request for a copy of the recording, please send an email to

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
07 Dec 2020 Welcome and Introduction Lisa Vasic, ANZ
07 Dec 2020 Presentation Fireside Chat – A Precarious Path to Recovery
Developing Asia will contract this year by 0.7%, its first contraction in six decades. Growth will rebound to 6.8% in 2021, but this implies only a partial...
Abdul Abiad
07 Dec 2020 Panel Discussion: Financial Crimes Compliance Themes in the Pacific Region: TBML, AML/CFT and Remittance Flows Karen Nitschke, ANZ; Dian Ediana Rae, Indonesia FIU; Irma Daphney Stone, Oceania Customs Organization Secretariat; Lotte Schou-Zibell, ADB
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 Dec 2020 Welcome and Introduction
08 Dec 2020 Panel Discussion: PPP’s in Financial Crimes Compliance Steve Cumber, ANZ; Clive Scott, IMF SG; Mark Lovesey, HM Revenue & Customs; Leta Kami, Tonga Development Bank
08 Dec 2020 Case Study 'Ave Pa' Anga Pau Remittance Service
This infographic highlights 'Ave Pa'anga Pau as a low cost, fast, and secure remittance service.
Leta Kami
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
09 Dec 2020 Welcome and Introduction Rob Buchan, Director, AUSTRAC
09 Dec 2020 Keynote Professionalising Financial Crimes Compliance Hue Dang, ACAMS
09 Dec 2020 Panel: Enabling Regulation and Compliance through Technology
09 Dec 2020 Case Study Trade STR Data Points and Feedback Loop
The 2012 Asia/Pacific Group Report on Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) recommended policies to combat TBML. This presentation gives a status of the...
Catherine Daza-Estrada, Alexander Malaket
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
10 Dec 2020 Welcome and Introduction Lotte Schou-Zibell, ADB
10 Dec 2020 Keynote Sione Ngongo Kioa, National Bank of Tonga
10 Dec 2020 Panel Discussion: Practical Realities in AML/CFT Advocacy Janet McCarthy, ANZ; Andrew Hill, New Zealand Ministry of Justice; Paul Ohara, Standard Chartered; Victoria Makin, Citi
10 Dec 2020 Case Study AML/CFT Utilities: The Possibilities, Perils, and Pitfalls—A Pacific Perspective
Money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF) are priority issues for banks in the Pacific, which shoulder the risks and high costs associated with...
Nathan Lynch
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
11 Dec 2020 Keynote The Future of Financial Intelligence: Partnership, Partnership, Partnership
What istheregional landscape concerningfinancial crimes, and what are the future drivers of change?This presentation gives an overview of these topics...
Chris Collett
11 Dec 2020 Panel Discussion: Getting Ahead of Criminals and Terrorists Patrick Ford, ANZ; David Shannon, Asia Pacific Group; Michael Messier, Global Compliance & Strategic Solutions, LLC
11 Dec 2020 Case Study: Technology in Financial Crimes Compliance: Practical Applications of RegTech Jason Tan KPMG, Singapore
11 Dec 2020 Closing Remarks Steven Beck, ADB; Rob Buchan, AUSTRAC; Tessa Price, ANZ


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