ADB Business Opportunities Seminar with Papua New Guinea

Series: ADB Business Outreach Activities

ADB Business Opportunities Seminar with Papua New Guinea

14 November 2024 to 15 November 2024

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This business opportunities seminar in Papua New Guinea will showcase the pipeline of projects funded by ADB and other development partners. The resource persons are representatives from ADB, the World Bank, JICA, the Governments of Australia and New Zealand, and the US Commercial Service.

This event brings the business community together with key representatives from Pacific governments and development partners to discuss the region's infrastructure development priorities, especially growing opportunities in transport, energy, health, education, water, and financial inclusion.

In support of the Pacific quality infrastructure principles, the event will feature presentations by executing agencies from the Papua New Guinea government to provide an overview of the project pipeline regardless of the funding source. There would also be a side event for suppliers and contractors, focusing on effective tendering, bidding, and exploring potential tendering and contracting partnerships.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
14 Nov 2024 Materials will be uploaded once available after the event.


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