Republic of Korea’s National Strategy on Digital Platform Government

Event: International Procurement Workshop

Republic of Korea’s National Strategy on Digital Platform Government

25 September 2024
Author / Speaker: 
Bo Ram Suh, Republic of Korea - Other materials by the author

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Digital innovation in the economy and society has accelerated at a pace we have never encountered due to rapid AI technology advancements. The citizens’ expectations have risen significantly because of the innovative services they experienced from the private sector. The Republic of Korea initiated an ambitious national agenda for the ‘Digital Platform Government’ to meet this technological trend and people's demands. The Presidential Committee on Digital Platform Government was launched in 2022 to accomplish this mission. The committee will change how the government operates so that our government works cohesively and becomes proactive. We will also support companies in finding new opportunities and growing via Digital Platform Government. Through innovative technology and scientific decision-making processes, we will detect policy blind spots to improve the quality of life for all citizens.

Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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