Marine Renewable Energy and Blue Economy

Series: ADB Data Room: Emerging Areas Sustainable Solutions Initiatives

Marine Renewable Energy and Blue Economy

08 November 2024

Marine Renewable Energy (MRE), "renewable energy production which makes use of marine resources or marine space," is a necessary step towards decarbonization and contributes to the growth of the Blue Economy (BE) – the "sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and jobs while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems."  This webinar features a multi-disciplinary panel that shared insights on the applicability of MRE technologies approaches (e.g., blue economy, integrated solutions, holistic interventions) in the global context specifically in islands, island clusters (e.g., including archipelagic nations, big ocean states, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) & Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations (FCAS), and similar contexts) highlighting some case studies or examples, lessons learned, issues, concerns, and risks that may need to be addressed with potential pathways and solutions to move such emerging opportunities forward.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 Nov 2024 Presentations Offshore Wind Energy
This presentation gives an overview of the offshore wind energy industry, including projections for annual installations, challenges, and requirements...
James Sutherland
08 Nov 2024 Presentations Green Energy for the Blue Economy
This presentation gives an overview of the potential of wave energy for the blue economy, focusing on challenges, solutions, case studies, and references...
Cameron McNatt
08 Nov 2024 Presentations Tidal Energy History, Challenges, and Opportunities
This presentation gives an overview of tidal energy resources, technology, future growth, challenges, and opportunities at The University of Edinburgh...
Andrew Aveyard
08 Nov 2024 Presentations Ocean Energy: A Net Zero Roadmap for 2050
This presentation gives an overview of the IEA-OES Roadmap for achieving net zero emissions by 2050 through the development of 300GW of ocean energy, ...
Henry Jeffrey
08 Nov 2024 Presentations Marine Renewable Energy and Blue Economy
This presentation gives an overview of promoting a sustainable blue economy through the integration of various sub-sectors, such as marine renewable energy...
Nick Lambert


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