Playbook for Nature-Positive Infrastructure Development

Series: Green Road to Cali Series

Playbook for Nature-Positive Infrastructure Development

28 June 2024

The Asian Development Bank (ADB), led by the ADB Environment Group and the Procurement, Portfolio, and Financial Management Department (PPFD), organized a webinar on the Playbook for Nature-Positive Infrastructure Development on 28 June 2024, Friday, at 4:00 p.m. (GMT+8/Manila time).

The playbook is a strategic guide jointly developed by WWF, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), and AECOM, a global consulting engineering firm. It was designed to support the transformation of infrastructure to follow a nature-positive approach by showcasing solutions across a range of sectors and landscapes.

The first iteration of the playbook was launched in September 2023, and the next iteration is set to include additional Asia-specific case studies and address opportunities and barriers to integrating nature-positive approaches into the procurement of infrastructure. This upcoming version is supported by the Asia's Linear Infrastructure safeGuarding Nature (ALIGN) Project, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

This webinar was the first in a four-part series called the “Green Road to Cali,” a knowledge-sharing series that would explore the latest developments in biodiversity conservation and nature-based solutions leading up to the 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that would be held in Cali, Colombia from 21 October to 1 November 2024. Organized by the Environment Group under the Climate Change and Sustainable Development department at ADB, these webinars are designed to provide valuable insights and facilitate discussions on advancing environmental sustainability. The topics for the upcoming webinars in the series will be announced soon.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
28 Jun 2024 Introduction Brief Introduction of the Event and Speakers Umang Bhattarai, Environment Specialist, ADB (Session Moderator)
28 Jun 2024 Opening Opening Remarks Jeffrey Taylor, Deputy Director General (PPFD), ADB
28 Jun 2024 Opening Contextual Remarks Daduna Kokhreidze, General Counsel and Manager, FIDIC Legal and Contract Services
28 Jun 2024 Presentation Introducing Playbook for Nature-Positive Infrastructure Development
This presentation is about the introduction and overview of a playbook for nature-positive infrastructure development, which aims to provide strategic...
Milica Apostolovic
28 Jun 2024 Discussion Panel Discussion Jeffrey Taylor; Graham Pontin, Director of Policy, External Affairs, and Communications, FIDIC; Milica Apostolovic; Evan Freund, Senior Director for Infrastructure and Large Initiatives, WWF; and Karma Yangzom, Principal Environment Specialist, ADB
28 Jun 2024 Learnings from the ALIGN Project Closing Remarks Mary Melnyk, Environmental Security and Resilience Division Chief, Asia Bureau, USAID
28 Jun 2024 Q&A and Discussion
28 Jun 2024 Wrap-up and Conclusion


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