ADB Data Room: Green Hydrogen Economy


ADB Data Room: Green Hydrogen Economy

08 March 2024 to 31 December 2025

Green hydrogen is globally recognized for its potential to address climate change and support a net-zero economy. It can be grouped into three pathways namely:

  • As a commodity with related port infrastructure
  • To reduce carbon emissions in hard-to-abate sectors such as steel, cement, fertilizer, and manufacturing industries
  • At a distributed level

Green hydrogen requires infrastructure and research & development to realize and maximize its utilization across the whole supply chain; requiring policymakers, industry leaders, and investors to create enabling mechanisms that facilitate the development of a green hydrogen economy.

ADB supports developing hydrogen economies across ADB developing member countries (DMCs).

ADB, in partnership with International Solar Alliance (ISA), supported the development of a global knowledge platform namely, Green Hydrogen Innovation Center (GHIC) under TA52227 Deploying Solar Systems At Scale.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
08 Mar 2024 Webinars
08 Mar 2024 01 March 2024 Green Hydrogen Webinar with Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Ministry of the Environment Japan (MOEJ) facilitated a green bag seminar inviting Japanese private sector entities at the forefront of the efforts to ...
08 Mar 2024 10 February 2024 Driving Port Led Clean Growth in Andhra Pradesh: Navigating Clean Investment and Low Carbon Pathways in Energy Intensive Industries, Renewable Energy Industries, and Hard-to-Abate Sectors
A joint regional workshop by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, in partnership with Asian Development Bank, government officials and experts contributed...
08 Mar 2024 9 November 2023 Green Hydrogen Unleashed: Navigating the Future of Gujarat
ADB, together with Gujarat Power Corporation Limited (GPCL), facilitated a hybrid regional workshop that brought together officials, experts, and leaders...
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
09 Mar 2024 Briefs
09 Mar 2024 ADB study on Green Hydrogen Economy launched at Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024
Gujarat Chief Minister, Mr. Bhupendra Bhai Patel along with ADB Senior Director, Energy, Mr. Priyantha Wijayatunga launched the Study‘Key Pillars to Drive...
Priyantha Wijayatunga
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
10 Mar 2024 Reference Documents
10 Mar 2024 Publication | October 2023 Role and Development Pathways of Green Hydrogen Energy toward Carbon Neutrality Targets
10 Mar 2024 Publication | October 2023 Hydrogen in Decarbonization Strategies in Asia and the Pacific
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
11 Mar 2024 Project Examples


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