ADB Procurement Workshop for the United States Companies

Series: ADB Business Outreach Activities

ADB Procurement Workshop for the United States Companies

11 September 2023 to 18 September 2023

11 September 2023, Las Vegas

13 September 2023, Boston

15 September 2023, Milwaukee

18 September 2023, San Francisco

ADB undertakes Business Opportunities Seminars (BOSs) in its members to improve the interest and ability of eligible suppliers to locate ADB business opportunities, prepare high-quality and responsive bids, and understand ADB’s procurement and anticorruption procedures. 

These activities benefit ADB-financed projects in its developing member countries by enhancing competition for contracts and partnerships, and promoting higher-quality market offers that deliver optimal value for money.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
11 Sep 2023 Project Specific Procurement Opportunities Under ADB Financed Projects Powering Private Sector Investment in Asia and the Pacific
This presentation gives an overview of consultant selection process and consulting opportunities in ADB-financed projects.
Cleo Kawawaki
11 Sep 2023 Doing Business with the Asian Development Bank Presentation and Roundtable Discussion
This presentation gives an overview of business opportunities at ADB and explains its procurement framework.
Galiya Ismakova, Rubina Shaheen


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