Ariana Sutton-Grier

Climate Research & Development Program
, US Geological Survey (Ecosystem Mission Area)
Profile / Bio: 

Dr. Ariana Sutton-Grier is an ecosystem ecologist with expertise in wetland ecology and restoration, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, climate change, and ecosystem services. She enjoys seeking and discovering innovative opportunities to combine science and policy to solve environmental problems and promote ecosystem conservation. Her research interests include the relationships between nature/biodiversity and human health, natural climate solutions including coastal blue carbon, and natural and nature-based coastal resilience strategies. The Climate Research & Development Program funds over 150 USGS scientists and their research on the impacts of environmental and climate change in order to inform natural resource management, policy and decision making. 

Ariana holds Honors Bachelor degrees from Oregon State University in Environmental Science and International Studies and a doctoral degree from Duke University in Ecology. She is also a Visiting Associate Research Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. 



Title Date Learning Materials Topic
Wetlands and Ecosystem Services: Opportunities and Applications 27 June 2023 Slides Agriculture and Natural Resources, Climate Change, Environment