BHU:National Environment Commission Royal Government of Bhutan August 2004
The environmental assessment process endeavors to mitigate and prevent theundesirable impacts of developmental activities. It is in no way intended to hampersocio-economic development in Bhutan but to guide project proponents in makingthe right investments in land, manpower, technology and mitigation measures toensure that their projects have the least possible impacts on the environment.With the revision and updating of the old guidelines and the publication of twonew guidelines on Urban Development and Tourism and relevant ECOPs, theNEC is hopeful that the private sector, line ministries and competent authoritiesunder the Regulations for Environmental Clearance of Projects find the guidelinesmore useful, practical, informative and easy to comply with. It is the sincere wishand hope of NEC that all the stakeholders, both public and private will make thebest use of these guidelines, which in turn will help in protecting our fragileecology. Sound implementation of these guidelines will go a long way inminimizing the negative impacts of developmental activities on Bhutan’senvironment.