Child and Adolescent Nutrition in Indonesia’s Provinces: Findings and Implications


Child and Adolescent Nutrition in Indonesia’s Provinces: Findings and Implications

14 December 2022

More and more young people in Indonesia suffer from undernutrition, stunting, micro-nutrient deficiency, and obesity. Significant disparities exist in health and nutrition status across provinces in Indonesia.

This webinar reviewed the results of nutrition and health studies conducted by 12 provincial study teams supported by a technical assistance project from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The webinar also presented and discussed the results of the studies and explored possible policy interventions specific to different provinces.

This event was part of the Indonesia Resident Mission's flagship webinar series, “Indonesia Development Talk.” The series showcased insights that can help Indonesia address pressing development and macroeconomic challenges.


  • Henry Ma, Senior Country Economist for Indonesia, ADB
  • Takashi Yamano, Principal Economist, ADB
  • Muchtar Mansyur, Director, Regional Center for Food and Nutrition, South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization 
  • Anung Sugihantono, Lecturer, Semarang Health Polytechnics
  • Pretty Multihartina, Head, Health Policy Effort, Health Development Agency, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
  • Sri Sumarmi, Professor, Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University
  • Moderator: Takashi Yamano, Principal Economist, ADB 
Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
14 Dec 2022 Presentations Indonesia Nutrition TA
This presentation gives an overview of the nutrition and health support programs in Indonesia.
Takashi Yamano
14 Dec 2022 Capacity Building on Analysis and Methodology for Health Researchers In Indonesia
This presentation gives an overview of the analysis on the capacity building research for health in provinces of Indonesia.
Prof. Muchtaruddin Mansyur
14 Dec 2022 Capacity Building for Indonesian Health Researcher Outputs: Policy Briefs from 12 Provincial Studies
This presentation gives an overview of the policy briefs drafted from the 12 provinces included in the capacity building research program for health in...
Dr. Anung Sugihantono


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