Smart Grid, Smart Workforce, and Capacity Development

Event: Smart Grid Technologies and Implications for Inclusive Development in Sri Lanka

Smart Grid, Smart Workforce, and Capacity Development

04 April 2018
Author / Speaker: 
Iven Mareels, Federation University, Australia - Email the author | Other materials by the author
Thusitha Sugathapala, University of Moratuwa - Email the author | Other materials by the author

The number of jobs in the renewable energy industry worldwide is growing and studies indicate that much of this employment is shifting to Asia. Smarter grid will require a highly skilled workforce, with implications for retraining, training, and education. Some studies also find that the renewable energy industry indicates more gender parity than the broader energy sector. This session discusses the implications of this emerging new industry for the education system, the power sector, and the labor force.

Geographical Focus: 
Regional - Asia
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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