Scaling Up Investments in Green Businesses: What Can Be Done to Support Green Small and Medium Enterprises

Event: First Green Business Forum: Investing in Asia and the Pacific

Scaling Up Investments in Green Businesses: What Can Be Done to Support Green Small and Medium Enterprises

23 November 2016
Author / Speaker: 
Risa Gama Siregar, Rubysh Jewelry - Email the author | Other materials by the author
Paolo Limcaoco, LGT Impact Ventures - Other materials by the author
Alka Upadhyay, Tata Sustainability Group - Email the author | Other materials by the author
Maricen Jalandoni, Base Bahay Foundation, Inc. - Email the author | Other materials by the author

Today’s green businesses, many of which are start-up companies, face the challenge of scaling their business model. This session discusses the experiences and challenges of small and medium enterprises as well as larger companies offering green solutions to environmental and social problems.

Geographical Focus: 
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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Scaling Up Investments in Green Businesses: What Can Be Done to Support Green Small and Medium Enterprises | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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