Building Water Resilience in a Changing Climate

Series: Pacific WASH Webinars

Building Water Resilience in a Changing Climate

17 November 2021

This Pacific WASH Webinar was about building resilience to the impacts of climate change focusing on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Climate change is affecting us all and we need to ensure that our water supplies are well planned to adapt to changes in rainfall and water availability.

Speakers discussed the challenges and approaches to water resource planning covering topics such as: 

  • Challenges associated with finding a suitable water source that meets yield and quality objectives, against a backdrop of contaminant sources, saline intrusion, poor understanding of geological conditions, infrastructure costs  and social and land use issues. 
  • The importance of investing in resource investigations early, to gather information/data to support a robust resource assessment. 
  • Challenges associated with tourism season falling over the summer season, causing the period of highest water demand, with the seasonal period of lowest supply (from the surface water intakes)
  • A structured approach based on consensus on the required information for water resource planning connecting three important parties or stakeholders in the planning process: resources analysts, planners and decision-makers.
  • A case study from Tonga.



Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
17 Nov 2021 Presentations Building Resilience to the Impacts of Climate Change
This presentation gives an overview of the effective framework on national water resource management, the climate change impact in Tonga, and the assessment of...
Dr. Bapon Fakhruddin, PhD, Technical Director DDR and Climate Resilience Tonkin + Taylor International, New Zealand
17 Nov 2021 Presentations Elisiva Tapueluelu
Deputy CEO - Administration Tonga Water Board, Tonga
17 Nov 2021 Presentations Chris Shanks
Senior Hydrogeologist Tonkin + Taylor International, New Zealand


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Building Water Resilience in a Changing Climate | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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