Job Matching Platforms for International Migration and Mobility in OECD Countries

Event: 7th ADB-ADBI-OECD-ILO Roundtable on Labor Migration: Increasing the Positive Impact of Migration Through Finance and Technology

Job Matching Platforms for International Migration and Mobility in OECD Countries

19 January 2017
Author / Speaker: 
Jonathan Chaloff, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Other materials by the author

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International  job matching platforms help both employers and candidates. It increases the pool of workers for employers and provides vacancy information to prospective candidates.  It may also improve occupational match for work, leading to better integration outcomes. This presentation shares information on the various job matching platforms in OECD countries and the common challenges they face. 

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Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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Job Matching Platforms for International Migration and Mobility in OECD Countries | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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