VIDEO: DAY 1 Transforming Women's Lives through Infrastructure Sector Training on Gender Mainstreaming

Event: Sector Training on Gender Mainstreaming: Transforming Women's Lives Through Infrastructure

VIDEO: DAY 1 Transforming Women's Lives through Infrastructure Sector Training on Gender Mainstreaming

25 October 2021

The 4-day gender training is targeted at staff in ADB HQ Sector Divisions and Resident Mission Operations Departments to ensure a better understanding of key gender issues and possible gender entry points in three infrastructure sectors: transport; water; and energy. Participants will learn from experts and peer exchange of project experiences on good practices on gender. Participants will also increase their knowledge of ADB’s gender categorization system and related requirements in the project cycle through background reading and plenary discussion. Overall, the training aims to improve ADB staff’s capacity to engage clients in design and implementation of gender-inclusive policies, programs, and projects in these three key infrastructure sectors.

Geographical Focus: 
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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