Progress and Prospect of Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Dongjiang River Basin

Event: 5th International Conference on Eco-Compensation and Payments for Ecosystem Services

Progress and Prospect of Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Dongjiang River Basin

24 November 2016
Author / Speaker: 
Fanbin Kong, Jiangxi Provincial Academy of Social Sciences - Other materials by the author

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On  19 October 2016, the provinces of Jiangxi and Guangdong signed the “Horizontal Ecological Compensation Agreement of Dongjiang River Basin Upstream and Downstream” in Nanchang Province. The agreement stipulates that, based on the water-quality assessment of cross-provincial watershed area, the two provinces jointly set up the horizontal compensation mechanism and funding for the water environment of Dongjiang River Basin. Each province agrees to contribute CNY100 million annually, and the central government awards incentive funds of about CNY300 million annually for the water pollution control and ecological environment protection of Dongjiang’s source. The horizontal ecological compensation agreement is tentatively fixed at 3-year term, with the goal of making the cross-provincial boundary water quality reach an annual average of Class III and improving year-by-year. The agreement made several references to the successful experience of the ecological compensation mechanism in Xin’an River Basin, the country’s first pilot on cross-provincial ecological compensation mechanism.

Geographical Focus: 
China, People's Republic of
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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Progress and Prospect of Ecological Compensation Mechanism in Dongjiang River Basin | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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