Eco-compensation in Sichuan Province: Experiences and Future Priorities

Event: 5th International Conference on Eco-Compensation and Payments for Ecosystem Services

Eco-compensation in Sichuan Province: Experiences and Future Priorities

25 November 2016
Author / Speaker: 
Hua Yu, Development and Reform Commission of Sichuan Province, People's Republic of China - Other materials by the author

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Yu Hua, director of Sichuan Development and Reform Commission, presented the experiences and prospects of ecological compensation in Sichuan Province. The provincial government attaches great importance to the construction of ecological civilization and the protection of the ecological environment. In July 2016, the Eighth Plenary Session of the Tenth Provincial Party Committee passed the decision of building a beautiful Sichuan by promoting green development. Pilot works on ecological benefits compensation system are actively being implemented to manage and protect public welfare forests, grasslands, wetlands and nature reserves, arable land, and national key ecological function areas, among others. Yu also briefly discussed the main problems that ecological compensation work in Sichuan has encountered, and recommended strengthening the regulatory and policy framework of ecological compensation mechanism at the national level to help define scope and standards, identify funding sources, formulate assessment methods, and clarify rights and responsibilities.

Geographical Focus: 
China, People's Republic of
Type of Content: 
Learning Event


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Eco-compensation in Sichuan Province: Experiences and Future Priorities | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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