WORKSHOP 4: How-to-Series: Towards Achieving Gender and Social Inclusion in Urban Sanitation

Series: Online ADB Sanitation Dialogue 2021 (ASD 2021)

WORKSHOP 4: How-to-Series: Towards Achieving Gender and Social Inclusion in Urban Sanitation

19 April 2021

This two-hour interactive workshop was for senior and mid-level professionals who want to learn about opportunities for gender and social inclusion (GESI) in urban sanitation. The workshop increased knowledge of how to design and implement more inclusive urban sanitation projects.

Through small group work and sharing examples from the region, participants would have reflected on the barriers to GESI in urban sanitation in their country. This reflection led to a discussion about practical actions for more inclusive and equitable sanitation services.

Real-world, inspiring examples of GESI in urban sanitation were presented by video and guest speakers. The workshop introduced new CWIS guidance materials and information on how to access further support.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
19 Apr 2021 Presentations Towards achieving Gender and Social Inclusion in Urban Sanitation
Penny Dutton
19 Apr 2021 Learnings from the Tamil Nadu Experience
Kavita Wankhade
19 Apr 2021 Gender and Social Inclusion in Urban Sanitation
Mean Vibol Ratanak
19 Apr 2021 Video Video: A Sanitation Businesswoman Fighting the Odds
Venkatalakshmi, a resident of Narsapur, is a shining example of a successful businesswoman fighting the odds to implement sustainable sanitation in her...
19 Apr 2021 Video: My Fantasy Life
This film will show the imaginary (fantasy world) of people with disability whenever they face barrier of accessible, especially toilet. This make audience...


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