Sreylin Meng

CEO and Co-Founder
, Smart Farm Assistance
Profile / Bio: 

Sreylin Meng is the CEO and co-founder of Smart Farm Assistance. She has always been frustrated about how Cambodian farmers are struggling to get a proper livelihood even if they are working very hard.

She had the chance to be the 1st one in my family to pursue higher education, and she has chosen the field of ICT and e-commerce education as a hope that this knowledge could be useful to support farmers in Cambodia, on a bigger scale.

Thanks to a startup competition hosted by the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and Impact Hub, she met her co-founders who are specialized in IoT technology and they combined their passion and skills to create Smart Farm Assistance.

Their vision is to support Cambodian farmers to become more resilient, and more effective in their way of doing farming using our IoT technology and smart farming techniques in order to optimize the resources available and help them adapt to the growing threat of climate change.
