Blair Turner

Senior Transport Specialist
, Australian Road Research Board Group
Profile / Bio: 

I have been involved in road safety for almost 25 years, firstly in New Zealand, then the UK, Australia and now in the US. In my previous role I led research at the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) on road safety engineering issues, with a particular focus on implementing Safe System infrastructure solutions. I developed a number of national Australian guides, as well as contributing to various global road safety documents. I am now based in Washington DC, and working for the Global Road Safety Facility at the World Bank.

I am a member of several international road safety committees, and have been involved in a number of international road safety projects, most significantly as lead author and project manager for the World Road Association's Guide to Road Safety. I have also been actively involved in training for engineers and safety professionals from many countries, and have a focus on improving safety in Low and Middle Income Countries.

Key areas of interest include:

Implementing Safe System infrastructure

Road safety training

Crash data systems and crash analysis

Road safety audit and treatment of crash locations

Speed management

Introducing safey improvements through asset management

Road safety in low and middle countries

Research and evaluation

Policy based research

Driver behaviour
