Seminar on State-Owned Enterprise and Public Sector Management Reforms


Seminar on State-Owned Enterprise and Public Sector Management Reforms

26 September 2016

Given the relevance of the Pacific state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform experience to other regions of Asia, this learning event was jointly organized by Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s Governance Thematic Group and Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI) to discuss the findings from a decade of SOE reform in the Pacific. New Zealand’s first Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Honorable Richard Prebble, CBE, who led one of the most comprehensive SOE reform programs ever undertaken anywhere in the world, talked the experiences of New Zealand and neighboring Pacific countries.

The seminar presented the key lessons from the SOE benchmarking studies and reform work undertaken by ADB’s PSDI and Pacific Regional Department (PARD), and discussed their relevance and application to the broader work on SOE reforms being undertaken in other parts of Asia by ADB.

Program and Learning Materials: 
Date Session / Activity Presentation Material Speaker(s)
26 Sep 2016 Opening Session Welcome Remarks, Introductions, and Context of the Program Xianbin Yao, James Lynch
26 Sep 2016 Session 1 State-Owned Enterprises Reform Approaches: The Big Picture Hon. Richard Prebble, CBE
26 Sep 2016 Session 2 State-Owned Enterprise and Public Sector Reforms
Pacific state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are often formed to increase service delivery effectiveness and accountability. Historical and financial indicators...
Laure Darcy, Christopher Russell
26 Sep 2016 Session 3 Roundtable Discussion - Country Performance on Public Sector Reforms 1 Richard Prebble, Laure Darcy, Christopher Russell, Benjamin Graham
26 Sep 2016 Roundtable Discussion - Country Performance on Public Sector Reforms 2 ADB's Regional Departments
26 Sep 2016 Roundtable Discussion - Country Performance on Public Sector Reforms 2 Presentation on Pakistan Public Sector Enterprises Reform Program
Described as financially insolvent and economically unviable, majority of public sector enterprises in Pakistan provide limited and unreliable services...
Hiranya Mukhopadhyay
26 Sep 2016 Concluding Session Closing Remarks and the Way Forward Laure Darcy, Christopher Russell


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Seminar on State-Owned Enterprise and Public Sector Management Reforms | ADB Knowledge Event Repository


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