Coal Mine Methane Development Project: The First Large-Scale Capture and Use of Coal Mine Methane for Power Generation in Asia


Coal Mine Methane Development Project: The First Large-Scale Capture and Use of Coal Mine Methane for Power Generation in Asia

01 October 2015

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The expansion of coal production and consumption in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), fueled by fast-paced economic growth, has increased environmental, health, and safety hazards at coal mines. In 2004, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the PRC established the Coal Mine Methane Development Project to develop new technologies that will demonstrate efficient and effective coal mine methane capture, production, and utilization in power generation and also improve the environment.

Read about ADB’s other energy projects in Knowledge and Power: Lessons from ADB Energy Projects.

Geographical Focus: 
China, People's Republic of
Type of Content: 
Project Stories


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